Travis: Change

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"Oh hi you two" I greeted as Aphmau and Travis walked onto the balcony that I was on. They both greeted me with small but sad smiles, none of us really knew what was going to happen between us now

My head was still throbbing with pain and confusion from the past events. Aaron being an Ultima, Melissa getting shot, Aphmau and I being related to/ part of Lady Irene, Aphmau dying and then coming back to life, Travis being taken over by someone evil and whatever else had happened. It all still stuck in my mind and I had no idea how any of us were going to recover

"Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" I asked. Travis and Aphmau moved the gaze from the sunset to me and nodded. I sighed and tears welled up in my eyes just like they always did whenever I thought about what we had just gone through. And then I suddenly remembered what had happened to Aaron. "Aph, I heard about Aaron losing his memory. I'm so sorry"

"It's alright Y/N. We will work through it" She said, glancing down at her engagement ring that still sat on her finger. It wasn't said in the most convincing way however I didn't want to trouble her anymore so left it there.

Travis linked his arm with Aphmau and intertwined his fingers with mine as we stood in silence and watched the sunset. After it had fully set and stars had started to appear, Aphmau went back inside which left only Travis and I in a comforting silence as we looked up at the stars and listened as the waves crashed against the shoreline below. I hadn't felt this relaxed in forever

"How are you feeling?" Travis asked, breaking the silence. I turned to him and shrugged

"I'm not really sure" I admitted. "Part of me wants to be happy that it is all over and that Aphmau, Aaron and the others are safe but the other part wants to just crawl into a hole and never leave. I feel trapped inside what we just went through and it feels as if I am never going to fully recover from it. Like no matter what I do now, I'm never going to be able to escape from it. Like I'm always going to be the girl who almost sacrificed her own life only to find out that nothing good would have come from it. The girl who is terrified every time someone comes up behind her without saying anything or acknowledging that they are present. It's hard to explain"

"Well I think you explained it very well." He smiled at me

"What about you? How do you feel?" I asked

"Like you said, it's hard to explain. I have to live with the guilt that I caused all of that. Aaron no longer remembers Aph or Melissa or who he was because of me. I've torn their worlds apart, every single one of you guys. I put you, Katelyn, Aphmau, Zane, Kawaii~Chan and everyone else in danger."

"But you didn't Travis. You didn't do any of that, somebody else did. None of this is your fault. You feel guilty and that's natural. It's survivors guilt and I'm not surprised that you have it. We probably all do"

"Aarons parents are dead because of me though Y/N"

"Travis don't you dare start blaming yourself or I'll break your kneecaps" I threatened, causing him to lightly chuckle

"You haven't changed. You are still the violent little bean you were before"

"Well my personality may not have changed but other things have" I sighed, not wanting to get back onto this subject. "Yet again, change is normal. It happens to everyone and it can be a good thing sometimes. Ok so, our change is a lot harder to overcome but we will and we can overcome it"

"You're right, change is normal and we will overcome it" Travis agreed. He unlinked his hand from mine and instead put his arm around my shoulders. I slipped an arm around his waist and gazed up into the stars, smiling when I noticed a constellation. I pointed it out to Travis and softly laughed when he couldn't find it

"You're talking nonsense Y/N" he sighed, still trying to find it

"No I'm not. Look follow my finger with your eyes" I told him and he did so. I traced the constellation and smiled when I felt him place his hand on my lower back

"Oh I see it now" He said. "It's beautiful"

"It's the Draco constellation and can be seen from anywhere, mainly anywhere in the northern hemisphere" I explained (Not sure if that is true, but just go along with it. Nobody needs to know)

"I wasn't talking about the constellation Y/N. Yes it's pretty but something else had my attention. Something a lot more beautiful"

I looked at him and tilted my head to one side

"What was it?" I asked

"You Y/N. I was talking about you" He said. I was immediately caught off guard by the compliment. "You're beautiful Y/N"

"I-uh-I, T-Travis" I could not gather my words. I hated compliments and he just said it so smoothly that my mind just gave up and left me.

"Are you alright Y/N?" He asked, bringing me back into reality. I looked at him and smiled with an incredibly flustered face

"Uh..y-yeah. You just sort of caught me off guard and you should know that I have never taken a compliment very well"

"Yeah but it's cute to see you get so flustered when you get compliments" He chuckled

"Stop!" I groaned. "First it was beautiful and now it's cute. Stop compli-"

I shut up when I felt his chapped lips hit mine. I froze up and it took a couple seconds before I closed my eyes and kissed back. I think Irene is trying to kill me because I can't deal with compliments and now I have to deal with compliments and the fact I am literally kissing the person I have been crushing on for years.

Travis pulled away and my mouth dropped and my eyes widened immediately which caused Travis to chuckle. He pushed my jaw back up and brushed his lips against mine

I was speechless. Is Irene really trying to kill me right now because I really think that she is?

"Am I that bad of a kisser?" He asked. I stayed silent and only blushed. "Rude!"

"No, you're a great kisser, I'm just incredible speechless." I admitted. "You see, I've liked you for a while and to have you kiss me is like an absolute dream come true"

"You could have told me sooner you know" He stated sassily. "Maybe we could have spent more time together"


"I like you too Y/N. I have for a while as well" He smiled and took my hands. "You're beautiful, amazing, kind, funny, sweet, trusting. You are so perfect that no girl could ever come close to being as amazing as you are"

"I have my flaws Travis" I sighed but did smile at all the nice things he was saying to me

"Just take the compliments Y/N" Travis glared at me and then pulled my arms around his waist. I rolled my eyes but rested my head on his chest and we both looked back up at the stars. "Change really is a good thing because if changed hadn't had happened then I may have never told you that I liked you back" He said after a while of silence

"Yeah, change is the best thing in the world" I looked up at him. "You're the best thing in the world"

Aphmau CharacterXReader fluffs and smutsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ