The casualness in the conversation lapses for a moment after I've eaten my fifth biscuit while Gregory munches on his eighth home made biscuit. The man probably will still have abs of steel while my dress currently bulges at my stomach after I've eaten so many sugary sweets.

"I don't mean to put a dent in the air but um," Jane pauses for a second, glancing at Peter who nods in encouragement while I smile politely at her as well, "Would you like to see pictures of your parents? I took out a few in case you'd want to." Her words drift off into silence while I take in a deep breath.

Of course, I expected this. We are family after all and she would logically ask me if I wanted to see the people who had a part in creating me and bringing me into this world.

Gregory grabs a hold of my hand and squeezes it gently, stopping his munching of the biscuit that now resides on the edge of his saucer.

"I'd love to." I find myself saying gently, surprising myself and probably Gregory since I've started putting up a front about not really caring about the intricacies of everything.

"Are you by any chance interested in cars Gregory? I've gotten ahold of this classic vintage automobile from a friend who was stupidly about to dump it." Peter suddenly chimes in to which Greg stands up automatically, nodding his head in barely hidden intrigue.

Jane and I smile knowingly at each other, recognising the subtle signal that both of the men are giving the two of us some alone time since it's a personal topic. Jane gets up to get the pictures while I settle myself comfortably on the couch, assuring Greg that I'll be fine as he heads to the garage with Peter. By the time Jane comes back, she's holding a thick leather bound photograph album with a timid expression on her face.

I scoot to the side and brace myself as she sits besides me and slowly opens up the gigantic book, flipping through endless pictures before she stops at one page and glances at me. I look from her to the picture she has her finger on as she begins softly.

"These are your parents. This was taken a few months before you were born."

The grainy picture made it hard to make out what was what but once I peered ya the image closely, the sight had my mouth turning dry. Two people stare back at me with beaming smiles on their faces. My mother looking alike to her sister and more so me. The same heart shaped face, green eyes that I can just barely make out with pitch black hair in neat curls landing around her shoulders. The smile on her face showing off the immense happiness she feels while the person besides her, my father, smiles even more so. His stature taller than my mother by a foot as he stands next to her with his arms around her and hand resting on her stomach. Tanned skin, dark eyes and brownish almost black hair cropped in a buzz cut. The smile showing off his pearly whites and two dimples that I never inherited.

"Wow." I whisper softly, my fingers raising up to brush over the picture of the couple and then landing on my mother's bulging stomach that holds me. The feeling is foreign but tugs at my heartstrings, nonetheless, something akin to pure awe taking over me.

"They were lovely people. Your mother used to work at a bakery not too far from here. She was really good at baking which I learned from her. I can give you her recipes if you'd like," I find myself nodding my head immediately, a desperation taking over me to have something, some tie to bind us together, "Your father on the other hand was a lawyer."

Jane's words leave me stunned as I stare back at her with my mouth gaping, her head nodding with a subtle laugh as she loops our arms together while I settle closer to her. "I didn't even think-," my words trail off as she nods at me.

"He was a really great lawyer even at a young age. Well, he was a good lawyer for others but his own state of affairs weren't that amazing which is why..." This time she trails off to which I nod now, picking up where she left off.

"I guess he didn't think anything like that could happen to them." I mutter slowly as she sighs next to me.

"I want you to know that I really did try. As soon as I had heard what happened, I tried everything to find you and get to you. The adoption agency was no help and it was like I was back at square one. I collected all of your parents belongings and put them in a storage unit for you. I knew I'd find you one day but then I just got stuck. Even if I did find you, what sane person would give a child over to an abusive household. I admit I'm not the brightest since it took me so long to come to a realisation but I took that as the strength to leave so that once I come into your life, you're surrounded by nothing but the positivity and affection that you deserve."

It must be a sight to see. The woman besides me getting emotional and ending up a blubbering mess by the end while I start sniffling at the sincerity that resounds through each word that Jane speaks.

By the time Gregory and Peter come back inside, Jane and I are snuggling and wiping our tears on multiple tissues trying to keep our tears at bay while she points at different pictures and describes the story behind each one. Some she doesn't know herself since they were taking during the year my mother and her had their falling out but the rest full of different stories.

Greg purposely catches my eyes, trying to ask me discreetly if I'm okay but I nod my head with a teary smile to assure him.

These are nothing but happy tears.


AN: Soooo my excuse is that I'm a dumb bitch who didn't realise how much time passed 😔. Also classes are starting again and it's just wow but the last chapter should be up sooner. Spam me with messages if I don't update.

Question: The silliest thing you've ever believed as a child?

Please remember to:


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