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"one hot chocolate?"

the girl looked up from her phone and excused herself through the crowd to get her hot chocolate. then she walked outside wrapping her hands around the warm cup. it was raining and she had stupidly forgotten her umbrella even when she messaged all her friends not to forget to bring one. the hot chocolate was just a small treat because she was literally going to freeze. being a stubborn girl, she refused to put on stockings this morning because it was still only the start of autumn, but for some reason it felt colder than the middle of winter.

she started walking back home, occasionally sipping on the drink when someone from behind ran into her. the hot chocolate in her hands flew out and spilt on her hand while she also fell forward scraping her bare knees.

"i'm so sorry. are you okay?"

"jungwon, i told you to stop running. look at what you did."

"hyung can you please shut up for a moment?"

the boy turned to face the girl who hissed in pain. her hand was red and her knees were bleeding. he bent down to match her eye level. he thought for a moment before he wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her legs up making sure that her skirt didn't fly up. out of instinct, the girl wrapped her arm around the boy's neck hoping she wasn't going to die in the next few seconds of her life.

he gently placed her down on one of the seats of the nearest convenience store while his friends tagged along behind him, snickering at the boy's interesting actions. the boy took out a first aid kit. no one knew why he even had one in his bag, but the fact that he had one was very useful. he immediately started to address the scraped knee. she flinched at the stinging pain, but tried to hide it. the boy noticed her efforts in trying to hide her pain and smiled.

"hyung can you go and buy a cold bottle of water?"

the other guy ran in and almost immediately came back out with not one but two bottles in his hand. the boy had just finished placing the last bandage on her knee. he took the water bottles from his friend and gently placed his hand out. she looked at him before placing her hand in his for him to tend to. he opened the lid and poured the water over her hand at a slow rate.

in the meantime, she looked up to see the boy's face.

yang jungwon.

he was literally the most popular boy in the school. how did i not notice this? to be honest, she had never seen the boy up this close, but as her eyes started from the hair down all the way down to his chin. he had soft visuals that stood out even more with his hair that was slightly wet. his eyes were shining and the dimple when he smiled. she couldn't deny that he was good looking.

she snapped back into reality when the boy looked up, making eye contact with her. they held the gaze for a few seconds before oth turning away. she felt her cheeks flush, but within seconds she glanced at him. he was honestly breathtaking. the boy glanced at her every few seconds as well, amazed at her visuals. no one had ever told her she was pretty and she herself thought she wasn't attractive, but the boy seemed to find her beautiful.

the boy finished his treatment by bandaging her hand with non-stick bandages to avoid any material sticking to the burn that had slightly healed under the water. then he stuck out his phone. she stared at the phone before looking up at him, confused.

"um, i did do the basic treatment. i'm really sorry. that stupid hyung was chasing me for no reason."

she giggled before realising he was watching her. she immediately composed herself and the boy smiled.

"you should get that checked up though. um, i just wanted your number so that you could message me if you need to pay for hospital bills. i'll take full responsibility for that."

she nodded before punching in her number.

"um, your name?"

"lee jian."

he typed her name into the contacts and then called her so she could get his number.

"my name's yang jungwon."

she whispered a thank you and he smiled before leaving with his friends who were already teasing him for getting her number.

she smiled before typing in his name into the contact.

"yang jungwon."

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