twenty one

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enhypen and txt had been granted a break. a holiday at a private house near the beach and subsequently, had asked permission from bang pd to let the two girls join. how they managed to convince the man to let 2 groups go on a holiday with two girls that had absolutely no connection to the music industry, no one knew, but they were ecstatic that they could.

the girls were no different. yujin had been calling jian for days about her plans of forcing sunghoon to stay with her no matter what. jian smiled knowing that her friend was making so much progress while she was stuck in square one.

"what about you, jian?"


"who do you like more, jungwon or taehyun? also yoU LIED TO ME. you sounded like you did not know anything about taehyun after you stopped talking, but you knEW EVERYTHING."

"i'm sorry. i just didn't really want to reminded about it. i'm sorry yujinn. forgive me."

"... apology accepted. only cause i love you."

jian smiled over the phone.

"so who is it? jungwon or taehyun?"

"i don't really know."

"well you better figure it out soon. otherwise you'll all get hurt."

jian sighed. she knew she had to figure out her feelings.

"by the way, what clothes are you taking?" jian asked yujin.


she laughed before agreeing to it and then ending the call. let's just say, she didn't want to stand out, but then again she didn't want to look homeless. after all, she was staying two nights and both jungwon and taehyun were going to be there. she still wanted to look ... presentable.


jian was waiting in the parking underground with yujin who was already taking a million photos of her outfit. then the boys came out of the company, making a wholeass ruckus with their entrance. the girl smiled at the sight of jungwon and taehyun talking and laughing together. yujin was already joining in making ruckus and by the time jian turned to look for yujin, sunghoon was already by her side, smiling at yujin who was literally doing cartwheels with sunoo in the carpark. and before jian even realised, jungwon was by her side accompanied by heeseung and jay.

"hey noona." he said, giving her a small wave.

her inner self squealed at how cute this boy was while she gave a small wave back. over jungwon's shoulder, she made brief eye contact with taehyun and they exchanged a soft smile, before her attention was diverted back to jungwon.

she shivered as the cold air surrounding the underground carpark got to her. she wasn't wearing too thinly, but then again she wasn't wearing warmly enough. it was nearly coming to the end of winter and she had definitely underestimated the cold of this time. her shivering didn't go unnoticed because the next second, she was wrapped in jungwon's jacket. he gave her a smile before they all started to file into the mini bus.

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