twenty six

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it wasn't easy for the enhypen members to accept. they had watched their leader go through all sorts of weird phases because of the girl and yet to see her come back with taehyun just to announce that one, they were never together and two, she finally realised her feelings for jungwon, was not welcomed with open arms.

"you know, before he's our leader, he's our friend, our family and we're not willing to let him go through another rollercoaster of emotions just because you can't even figure out your feelings."

it was true. because she couldn't even realise who she really liked, who her heart yearned for, she had not only hurt the two boys that were most important to her, but also the people they loved and were loved by.

"i'm sorry."

but an apology was not enough. they couldn't just accept her cause she was on the verge of breaking and she understood. it was just karma coming back to her. then, without another word, she turned to leave.


"she's not doing well, just in case you wanted to know," yujin said over the phone.

sunghoon's tone suddenly turned cold, "i don't want to know. i don't need to know. she doesn't deserve our jungwon."

"i literally never asked for your opinion. how's jungwon doing though?"

the boy sighed, glancing at the younger boy who was mindlessly staring at the ceiling, his earphones in and 'let's not fall in love' on repeat. "i swear he's secretly going crazy. like at practice and shoots and lives and every other schedule we have, he's perfectly fine. as if absolutely nothing happened. i don't get how he does that, but when he gets home, he showers, eats a bit and then goes and lie in bed. that's it. he's hurting. the fans can't see it but we definitely can, and honestly, it hurts yujin. sometimes i wish we never met her."

"then you wouldn't have met me."

"can you be serious please?"

"okay sorry. but seriously, if i were you, i'd want them to meet. so they can talk it out."


"sunghoon, they like each other. they need each other."

sunghoon mumbled something along the lines of 'she doesn't deserve him', but to his bad luck, yujin heard.

"LOOK YOU LITTLE RASCAL. she hasn't come to school in the past week, not like you guys would know cause you guys haven't either. i've gone to her house almost every day and she wouldn't even open the door for me. heck, i don't even know if she's still alive anymore. i don't fking care if you guys hate her, but i care and even at the very least, i'm sure jungwon cares. i don't care what you do, how you do, you better convince the rest of the members to let jungwon and jian meet cause otherwise, you will die in my hands." and then she hung up.

sunghoon sat there stunned, not to mention the fact that he had accidentally dropped his phone the moment yujin screamed, "LOOK YOU LITTLE RASCAL" and accidentally turned the call on speaker and so the rest of the members were staring at the phone, stunned as well.

"so are we doing this? cause i really don't want to die in her hands."

and so, jungwon found himself standing in front of his neighbour's door. he was half asleep, due to the fact that his members had literally shook the living death out of him just to push him out and tell him to have a good conversation with the girl.

he mindlessly rang the bell and to everyone's surprised, the door opened. there stood a pale girl, nervous at the sight of jungwon. jungwon blinked then mentally cursed his members for making him do this when he was literally half asleep while asking, "can we talk?"

the girl almost immediately moved out of the way for him to walk in. she saw the members watching with a sense of hope, before their stares became cold as their eyes met. she wanted to give a small smile, but didn't have the courage to in front of them. then, she followed the boy inside.


jungwon and jian stared at the table in front of them, not daring to meet each other's eyes. the silence was unbearable for both of them, but neither knew what to say.

"it was a mistake."

"i don't like taehyun."

they said at the same time, not even close to hearing what each other had said. jian motioned for the boy to speak first. he gulped before repeating his words, "it was a mistake."

she looked up, straight at the boy for the first time since he entered her house. "i'm sorry?"

"the kiss. it was a mistake. i shouldn't have done that. i'm sorry."

her heart dropped. a mistake. she had spent days, even weeks thinking about the kiss they shared. she thought the feelings were mutual, but they were obviously not. he didn't care.

"what were you going to say, noona?"

she snapped out of her trance, "oh. um. that i don't like taehyun. he's not courting me anymore, but i guess that won't really matter to you." she mumbled the last part, hoping he wouldn't hear, but unfortunately for her, he did.

jungwon couldn't help but to suddenly start regretting his words. the kiss was not a mistake. in fact, it was nowhere near a mistake. he liked it and he knew she did too. he wanted it tell her too, tell her everything; how he was doing, what his day was like, how he was feeling and what he was feeling for the past few weeks. he just wanted to tell her, "i like you noona."

"you what?"

he looked at her, shocked, "did i just say that out loud?"

the girl nodded slowly, equally as shocked.

he cleared his throat, suddenly asking, "so how have you been noona? i heard you haven't been to school in a while."

the girl stifled a giggle at the boy's attempt to change the topic, "i've been fine. how about you?"

yet before the boy could even answer, she started speaking again, in a more solemn manner, "i'm really sorry about everything. i've been wanting to talk to you for ages; i just couldn't seem to find a good time for it."

jungwon managed to give a small smile, "no, i'm sorry noona, for avoiding you. i just wasn't ready, i guess and you being around taehyun hyung all the time wasn't helping either."

she hung her head low, "i'm sorry."

within seconds, the boy had moved from across the table to next to her. he cupped her cheeks in his hands, making her turn to him. she couldn't help but admire his eyes, yet with him staring at her with a hint of adoration, she felt her cheeks heating up in his hands.

"let's forget about everything and move on. the past is just past and i'm ready now."

the girl slowly nodded, a small smile appearing on her face. "i'll make it up to you, i promise."

jungwon only reciprocated her smile, "let's hang out tomorrow noona. i've been wanting to show you this place for a while."

jian nodded, her smile just getting wider by the minute. they stared into each other's eyes, smiling at the sight of each other smiling.

"so jungwon, are you ever going to let go of my cheeks?"

- chapter's kinda bad lol i promise the next one's better
- i really just want this book to finish not cause i dislike jungwon, trust me, i still love him like alot but im so bored of writing it youknow ????
- another life update that literally no one asked for:
- i feel like txt was just a phase for me ? like i still rlly like them but i dont find myself liking them as much as i did before and it kinda makes me sad
- on the other hand, since like last wk lol i've been finding myself addicted to yoon jeonghan like i literally crave for his content and visuals and vocals and him 

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