I feel like they are all whispering in my ear, all of them at once sharing everything that's going on in their heads. I don't know how much longer I can keep up. It's almost painful to endure and it feels like I'm in a trance in which I can't escape.

"Evie!" Suddenly I feel someone jump onto me. It startles me so much that I'm knocked onto the ground.

"Ella what did you do?" I hear Sky's angry voice but my vision is a little blurry so I'm not entirely sure if it's him or if I'm having hallucinations.

"Oh my God!" That's definitely Ella. She kneels besides me. "Evie I'm so sorry, I was trying to surprise you." She sounds remorseful and if I wasn't so caught up in way more serious issues I would assure her that she didn't do anything wrong.

"You surprised her alright." Sky starts to help me to my feet and that's when I notice our audience. "You alright?" He asks as he pushes my hair out of my face.

"Yes." I lie because I'm far from being okay. The people Ella attracted with her little stunt are still around, murmuring and staring at me.

It turns out people's thoughts are at they are loudest when they can't voice their opinions and that's exactly what's going on here. Now I feel like there are thousands of needles picking at my brain. It's so much worse because they are so near me and I can't contain myself. It's nolonger irritating it's now making achingly painful.

"Heaven?" Sky pulls me closer to him, ignoring the people around us. "You look pale, are you dizzy?"

"Make them stop." I say into his neck.


"Make them stop, please make them stop." I start to sob in his neck.

"Who?" He anxiously asks but I don't have the strength to answer him. I feel my body going numb against Sky but thankfully he catches me.

The gasps and the murmurings get worse now but it's all getting faint maybe because I'm losing consciousness. Sky's worried blue eyes are the last thing I see before I sink into complete unconsciousness.

"You couldn't handle the noise." Her voice is the only sound I can hear in this dark moment. "Humans, they are such a nuisance."

"It didn't bother you?" I ask, as far as I know what happens to me happens to her but she seems fine.

"I have bigger problems."

"And what's that?"

"I need to feed." She tells me. "Apparently having a body comes with an appetite."

"But you don't have a body" I remind her sternly. "This is my body." I'm trying my best not to be horrified because I know exactly what demons feed on.

"Then I guess we both need to feed." She shrugs it off like it's not a big deal but I'm freaking out. Me? Feed on other humans? No no way!

"Heaven?" The worry in Sky's voice is evident as he says my name. "She's waking up." He announces to someone else.

I open my eyes slowly but the light in the room surprises me and I squeeze them shut again only to open them a second later. I take a moment to take in my surroundings and from the looks of it I'm in the nurse's office. I hold onto Sky's shoulder as I sit up on the small bed.

"Are you feeling better?" The woman, who I'm suspecting to be the nurse asks me.

"I think so."

"You fainted and you were unconscious for quite a while." The nurse says.

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