(OG) Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Ayana stared blankly out one of the window's that resided in the bridge. Evelyn looked at her friend with pity; her father had been ripped away from her not once, but twice, and now it was permanent.

Leonard kept his word to her brother as he watched her from across the room. He hadn't let her out of his sight since she regained consciousness, however, she had gone mute, much to his dismay, leaving him to explain the situation to their comrades.

"Aya," Evelyn called out softly to her friend, sighing when said friend didn't even acknowledge her, "please, A, talk to me. I just want to be there for you." Nothing. Not hum, snort, or sniffle. She was completely silent.

"I know who JJ is A." Now Evelyn knew her best friend, so she knew this would get a reaction out of her.

"He was in the army on Earth-2." Her voice was raspy from not being used. This got Evelyn's attention.

"So soulmate's are multidimensional too, huh?" Evelyn was relieved to get her best friend mind off of her Father's death.

"Soulmate's aren't a thing in Earth-2, and if what I learned is true, just because there is 52 earth's doesn't mean there are 52 versions of ourselves." Ayana stated, her thumb running over Leonard's initials.

"What do you mean there isn't 52 versions of ourselves? If there are 52 earth's shouldn't there be a version of us on each earth?" Ayana tore her gaze from the view outside the waiveriders window and turned to look at her friend.

"On one Earth, I might be an only child. On another, maybe Barry is an only child. On one, maybe one of my parent were infertile or maybe they married someone else." Evelyn's eyes met Ayana's.

"Being friends a science fanatic sucks." The red heads words cause a small smile to crack on the brunette's lips.

"Reality sucks. That's why I ran away from it for six years." Leonard rolled his eyes at the women as a cough was heard.

"Am I interrupting something?" The the head turned to find Jax standing there, awkwardly running the back of his neck.

"You could never interrupt." Evelyn said with a dreamy smile.

"Oh brother." Leonard muttered making Ayana smirk.

"Such a pity he isn't in the army on this Earth. If I remember correctly when I came back to Central City you almost drooled at the thought of having a military man as a soulmate." Ayana spilled with a wink, making Evelyn blush the shade of her hair.

"Wait Earth-2?" A confused Jax said looking from the red head to the brunette.

"Story for another time, now I think we should leave before Ayana decides to embarrass me more." Ayana grinned as she watched her best friend pull her soulmate out of the room, once she was out sight and hearing distance the girls smile dropped and her eyes clouded over once more.

Leonard sighed, walking forward and wrapping his arms around his soulmates waist. He never thought he'd allow himself to get this close to her but he couldn't stop himself, especially right now, when she needed him the most.

"Don't shut me out Allen. Were in this together." Ayana looked up, her cobalt eye's meeting his icy ones.

"I told you, you could walk away, and I think, maybe you should. I'm screwed up Leonard." He smiled sadly at her.

"You said yourself, I'm a cold man. I'm going to be slow to give you compliments and I've never been fond of public displays of affection, but I'm working on it for you." Ayana looked up at Leonard, her vision blurring from the tears that threatened to spill, "You're the only one worth seeing and the only place worth being is right here with with you."

"You keep talking like that and I might fall in love with you Snart." Leonard's heart skipped a beat at her words.

"Would that be such a bad thing Allen?" He smirked at her.

"It will be if you want to continue to call me Allen." She said with a slight smirk before turning and exiting the bridge, making Snart shake his head at the fading woman.

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