Ch. 30

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Curious eyes watched in intrigue as the two females sparred.

"Fascinating." The kleptomaniac couldn't help the smirk that formed on his face at the old man's words.

"Watch where you eyes are looking Palmer," Ayana's voice rang out, "I catch your eye's on my ass again and not even Gideon will be able to help you when I shove this staff-"

"Mrs. Snart!" Snart snickered at the old Doctor's outburst at his soulmate's vulgarness.

Ayana swiped the staff under Sara's feet sending her tumbling, "What? I call it as I see it."

"They really did perfectly match you two." Mick comments.

"I know." he responded just as lowly. "That's what terrifies me." He thought, while staring at his wife.

"Hey Len," He met his wife's gaze, "take me back to the night we met."

For a moment he found himself lost in the memory,

With one swift movement, she snapped the rope that bound her wrist. The tape covering her mouth was quickly removed. "You should do more research before you kidnap someone."

Recovered from Ayana's surprise attack, Leonard lunged for the woman, his eyes filled with anger and determination. Now fully embracing her lethal instincts, swiftly sidestepped his oncoming assault, ignoring the throbbing pain in her nasal cavity. Her movements were a dance of grace and deadly intent, her body flowing like a predator evading its prey.

With a fluid motion, Ayana delivered a lightning-fast kick to Leonard's abdomen, causing him to stagger backward, momentarily winded. Ayana cringed as a flurry of pain radiated throughout her abdomen.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Leonard seized her momentary vulnerability and closed the distance between them. Hissing deeply, he brought his fist crashing into her jaw. The resulting impact sent her tumbling backward.

Leonard rubbed his jaw, realization dawning on him. The pain she inflicted upon him seemed to reverberate within his body, a sensation he had never experienced before. He chuckled at the irony. Soulmates were meant to be individuals who couldn't inflict harm upon each other, yet the reality before him contradicted that notion.

Despite the pain coursing through his body, Leonard fought with a mix of anger and determination. Ayana's blows struck him with a force that resonated deep within his being. Each strike she landed was a reminder of their soulmate connection, and the conflicting emotions it stirred within him.

Ayana's focus remained unwavering, her eyes locked on Leonard. She couldn't afford to let him regain control or harm anyone. Every strike she landed was infused with her determination to protect those she cared about.

Leonard, though initially caught off guard by Ayana's resilience, soon adapted to her fighting style. He aimed to exploit any weakness he could find, seeking to regain the upper hand. The battle raged on, the room becoming a battleground of wills and abilities.

"What's going on in here?" Mick roared, intent of helping his partner.

"Touch her, and I'll kill you."" Leonard growled,his voice laced with a mix of pain and possessiveness. The threat hung heavy in the air, causing Mick to freeze in his tracks, his eyes flickering between his comrade and Ayana.

"Glady," He smirked, raising himself off the ground, "do i get to tie you up again?"

"I'll kick your ass either way, " She mused.

"Wait," Jax interrupted, "I thought soulmates couldn't hurt each other?"

Ayana and Leonard shared a grin, "They can, it just hurts like hell."

"Now remind me," Ayana teased, "how did it start?"

Leonard eyes darkend, she knew how to rile him up without trying.

"Oh right," With a fluid motion, Ayana delivered a lightning-fast kick to Leonard's abdomen, causing him to stagger backward, momentarily winded. Ayana cringed as a flurry of pain radiated throughout her abdomen.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Leonard asked, concern written across his face. He could handle the beating, however, seeing his soulmate in pain was another story.

"I'm aware of the bond this time," She reminded, returning to her fighting stance, "Come on pretty boy, let's show them how powerful a soulmate bond is."

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