(OG) Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Curious eyes watched in intrigue as the two females sparred.

"Fascinating." The kleptomaniac couldn't help the smirk that formed on his face at the old man's words.

"Watch where you eyes are looking Palmer," Ayana's voice rang out, "I catch your eye's on my ass again and not even Gideon will be able to help you when I shove this staff-"

"Miss Allen!" Snart snickered at the old Doctor's outburst at his soulmate's vulgarness.

Ayana swiped the staff under Sara's feet sending her tumbling, "What? I call it as I see it."

"They really did perfectly match you two." Evie says lowly to her brother's partner.

"I know." he responded just as lowly. "That's what terrifies me." He thought.


Ayana was lying on the floor of the cargo bay, an arm thrown over her eyes. She felt at peace; and she knew exactly why.

"Did you know there are 52 versions of Earth?" If she had moved her arm, she would have seen Leonard raise his eyebrow.

"And how do you know this?" Ayana smiled a the genuine curiosity in his voice.

"My brother used me as a distraction on Earth-2 so he could get some files." The criminal frowned.

"And who exactly were you distracting." The former assassin smirked as the disapproval in his voice.

"Originally, I was only supposed to be distracting the Mayor's personal assistant, who happened to be Evie's Earth-2 counterpart. Turns out our friendship is multidimensional." A genuine smile adorned her face.

"You said orginally." A blush creeped up her neck. She was grateful for the arm that laid across her face, hiding the redness.

"Turns out my counterpart is engaged," Leonard frowned, "to the Mayor of Central City."

"Sounds like your counterpart got the better end of the stick." Although he meant it condescendingly, there was a spitefulness to his tone. Ayana sat up, leaning back against her hands.

"Her mother is still alive, her father isnt in jail, and her brother finally got the girl," The comment about Barry earned her an eye roll. "Maybe I wouldn't be as screwed up if I had her life."

"You're over dramatic." He deadpanned. Cobalt eyes rolled as Ayana got to her feet.

"I will say," Ayana said as she made her way to the cargo bay door, "her fiance is a good kisser." This got his attention.

"Excuse me?" She couldnt help the smirk on her face.

"I don't make a habit of repeating myself." She couldnt help but push his buttons. As the door of the cargo bay slid open, she was pushed up against the wall next to it. Cobalt eyes widened.

"And I don't make a habit of sharing." His blue eyes held a darkness she had never seen, not even in the darkest of brown eyes.

"Does that make me yours, Snart?" She was treading on dangerous waters, and she knew it.

"You've been mine since the day you were born Allen." His voice was low and all it seemed to do was pull her in.

"Who would have thought you'd be so possessive." She smirked, her eyes still locked on his.

"Would you just shut up Allen." And he pushed his lips against hers.

Bliss. That was the only way either of them could describe the feeling. Complete and utter bliss.

Both where breathless when they pulled apart. Leonard was searching his soulmates face for a sign of displeasure or anger, he found none. Ayana, however, was trying to slow down her racing heart.

Ayana opened her mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by her soulmate, "Dont say anything. Not yet." Part of her felt disenheartend, but she nodded, and opened the cargo bay door.

"Oh, and Leonard," She stepped out of the cargo bay and looked at him over her shoulder, "You and I, we're multidimensional too." He looked at her with confusion.

"Our counterparts are engaged. " And she walked away.


Something felt wrong. She didn't know what, but it felt wrong. It was the middle of the night when she stormed into the bridge, unaware of the man following her.

"Gideon, call my brother." Her voice was panicked.

"Are you alright Mrs. Snart?" Anxiety overcame her.

"At this point in time my name is still Allen and until that changes I'd appreciate if you'd refer to me as such!" She snapped, her hand flew to her chest, "Now please call my brother, something is wrong. Very, very wrong."

"As you wish Miss Allen." Some relief came as the cortex came into view, but then she saw her brother.

"Petal?" His voice was broken.

"Bear? Bear what's wrong?" The panic that had been diminishing started to grow.

"I'm so sorry A, I wasn't fast enough." Barry wrapped his arms around himself.

"Barry what are you talking about?" Her nails started to dig into her arms.

"Zoom. I-I wasnt fast enough." Confusion replaced panic.

"Who Barry?" She had only seen her brother this torn apart a few times in life.

"Dad's gone A." Ayana collapsed. She would have hit the floor if Leonard hadn't been there to catch her.

"Allen." Leonard nodded in acknowledgment.

"Snart," His soulmates brother looked away before turning back to him, "when she wakes up, she's gonna need you. More than she's ever needed me."

"I'll take care of her Allen."

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