Ch. 31

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"Ha! Nice ride!" Ayana rolled her eyes as she followed behind her soulmate and his partner.

"Yeah, it can hit mach 3 in a walk," Jax glanced at them, then back to the panel in front of him, "Pretty cool."

"How'd you know so much about it?" Ayana hid the smirk on her face at Leonards question, falling into one of the seats on the small ship.

"Little thing called an instruction manual." A snicker passed through the brunette's lips as the dark-skinned male lifted the device up, earning a glare from her soulmate.

"Did you read the part about learning to fly this thing?" Another eye roll.

"Wow. Carter is dead, Kendra is this close to joining him, and Vandal Savage is still alive and out there doing God knows what, and all you can think about is stealing some diamond?" Jax's irritation was evident on his face.

"It's an emerald." Leonard corrected.

"Is there anything you think about other than yourself?" A scowl adorned the dark skinned male's face

"Yes. Money." Snart was silent for a moment, "And the brunette whose initals are branded on me." Blood rushed to Ayana's cheeks.

"Nah. I'm not helping you guys steal anything. So if you want to shoot me, then shoot me."

"Can I shoot him?- " Ayana shot Mick a glare.

"You got a pair on you, kid. I respect that." Snart told Jax honestly.

"So no shooting..." You could hear the exitement drain from Mick's voice.

"Look, you don't actually have to help us steal anything. We just need to get to Central City. We'll be there and back before anyone knows we're even gone." Ayana frown. Something wasn't right.

"Man, even if I wanted to help, and I'm not saying that I do, this thing's got a security lockout. We need an access key."

"You can't tell me you don't wanna see what this baby can do." Leonard held the key up.

"That's what I call a clean heist. Thanks for not setting the museum on fire, partner; and you, thanks for being our getaway driver." Ayana's eyes fell to the gem her soulmate held.

"Speaking of, let's get the hell back to the ship." You could hear the nervousness in Jax's voice.

"Oh, one more stop." Confusion filled the jumpship.

"What're you talking about, boss?"

"1629 Handley Avenue." Determination radiated off of him.

"What's on Handley Avenue?"

"That's why you wanted to steal the Maximilian Emerald." Mick chuckled.

"Mick, enough." Ayana hissed.

"You wanted to give it to your old man so he wouldn't go to jail trying to steal it for himself."

"Your father was a thief too? A look of disbelief crossed Jax face.

"And unfortunately, not a very good one." The kleptomaniac rebutted.

"Didn't Rip say something about not messing with the timeline. You could accidently blink yourself out of existence. You're screwing with history here, man." Jax's face furrowed.

"Yeah, well, history screwed with me first." Ayana sighed, as she made herself comfortable in the mini ship.


"Can I tell you something, Leo? It's important." Ayana's heart melted at the sight of her soulmate trying to warn his younger self of what is yet to come.

"Don't ever let anyone hurt you. Ever. Not here... and especially... not here. No matter what, you always have to look out for yourself. Okay? You understand?"

"I think so." His younger version caught sight of his hand, "we have the same initials."

"Yes we do," Leonard gave the boy a soft smile, "treasure her, she's the greatest gift you will ever receive."

"I will." The boy nodded; Ayana couldn't help the soft smile on her face.

Leonard turned to face his soulmate, "I asked you to wait outside,"

"And I didnt listen," She countered.

Leonard was cut off before he could repsond, "You get the hell away from my boy, you son of a bitch." Ayana felt as if her entire world had stopped turning as her eyes laneded on the gun pointed at her soulmates head.

"Why don't you go on up to bed? Go on." Ayana could feel the blood rushing through her body.

"Talk fast, or you take a bullet. What're you doing in my home?" Lewis Snart's voice was cold as ice.

"A favor for you." Ayana wanted to scream at her soulmate. He was only angering the armed man further.

"Watch it." Lewis growled.

"Relax." Leonard pulled out the emerald.

"How the hell did you get..." Astonishment was clear on the man's face.

"Two days from now, you try to steal this and you get arrested." Ayana's heart ached for her other half, "You spend five years in Iron Heights." Leonard's face was emotionless, she had to fight the urge to comfort her soulmate.

"What are you talking about?" Leonard's eyes rolled.

"Cut the crap. We both know if I go down to the basement right now, I'll find floor plans for the Central City museum. Let's just say I've saved you the trouble... and from being arrested."

"How do you know all this?" Lewis defensive stance started to receed.

"The same way I'll know if you even think of raising a hand to your wife and son." Leonard's eyes were hard, "I know who you are. I know the man you become and it's all I can do to keep from ending you right here, right now, but if I do, that means my sister's never born, so you get a pass." Ayana's gaze shifted from one Snart to another.

"Your sister?" Confusion covered the man's face.

Seeing Lewis had lowered his defenses, she took the opportunity to knock him unconscious. The sound of glass shattering and Leonard's laughter caused Ayana to wince.

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