Ch. 38

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"You kidnapped my husband!" Her voice filled with rage, "He had to amputate his own hand!"

Mick Rory looked unfazed, "Do you want me to say I'm sorry?"

Ayan went to lunge at the pyromaniac, only to have a familiar pair of arms wrap around her waist- stopping her.

She glared at her soulmate, then turned her glare back to the arrogant criminal, "I may be pregnant, but I'm still an assassin- and remember Mick I'm very good at it."

Leonard couldn't help but smile, this was his dream girl. Strong and independent. Plus, she was incredibly smart.

He couldn't have asked for a better soulmate.

"We have more important thing to deal with right now Mrs. Snart," Rip tried to reason with the enraged woman, but Ayana just turned her anger towards him.

"Oh so because I'm carrying a fetus I can't be angry?"

"Hey-" Leonard tried to interject,

"Leave Mr. Rory alone." Rip demanded.

"Or what Rip?" She challenged.

"Calm down," Leoanrd whispered into her ear, "This isn't good for the baby."

"You almost dying isn't good for the baby either," Ayana argued.

"You won't live to see your baby if the Pilgrim kills your younger self first." Rip warned.


"We don't have time to argue," Leonard cut her off, "Let's get this over with."


Ayana stood next to Sara, looking at the teenage version of Mick Rory and Sara Lance. Sara held the infant version of her husband.

"This just keeps on getting creepier." Ayana muttered.

Leonard and Mick enter the room, an infant cradled protectively in her husband's arms.

"You know," He started, shotting a smirk at his wife, "We were cute babies, just imagine how cute ours will be."

Ayana smiled, placing her hand on her baby bump. "Not much longer and we'll find out."

Placing the infant version of Ayana into the teenage Sara Lance's arms, Leonard returned to his wife. Placing his hand against her swollen belly, a smile spreading across his lips.

"The baby versions of you guys are so calm and sweet," Sara mused looking at the couple, "what happened?"

Ayana and Leonard shared a look, "Life."

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