Ch. 32

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"Maybe you didn't understand me, I asked for the new timeline, Gideon." Frustrating could be heard in criminals voice.

"This is the new timeline. Two days from now, your father will be arrested trying to sell the Maximilian Emerald to an undercover police officer." Gideon's animatronic voice responded.

"Stupid son of a bitch." Ayana sighed, rising from her spot on the ground to comfort her soulmate.

"You can't stop the inevitable." Leonard sighed, knowing his soulmate was right.

"He'll be sentenced to five years in Iron Heights. Despite your intervention, his future remains unchanged." The A.I. disappeared after relaying her information.

"Hey, you tried to save him. That's got to count for something." A look of hopelessness crossed his face breifly, only of enough for her briefly, see.

"Turns out it doesn't." He cast his blue eyes downward.

"Come on. -"

"Where are we going now?" This got the teams attention.

"To say good-bye." Ayana's heart cleanched painfully.

"Gideon, ready us for take off." Rip commanded.

"Whoa, are we being chased or something?" Ayana's eyes landed on the criminal duo.

"No, but I imagine that right about now, the museum has realized that their prized emerald is missing." Rip said, annoyance in his tone.

"You want me to say I'm sorry?" Leonard asked sarcastically.

"Sorry, I don't do sorry." Mick said, leaning back in his seat.

"Which is fine, Mr. Rory, because you are owed the apology. I should have told you all before that this wasn't my first attempt to vanquish Vandal Savage, but the reason I failed before... Was because you didn't have all of us. Obviously Dr. Palmer and I had our hands full tending to Ms. Saunders, but now that she's back on her feet... We're back to full strength. Or as strong as we can be without Carter. Quite true, but there is no point in us continuing any further. Unless we are all... and myself included, committed to working in concert." Rip make eye contact with each of the team members individually, hoping to get his point across.

"You don't ditch us, we won't ditch you. Deal?" Snart bargained.

"Sir, I've completed my review of the timeline. I calculate a 98% likelihood that Savage reappears in 1986." The A.I. voice echoed through the bridge.

"Chart a course, Gideon."

Ayana pulled her soulmate out of the bridge, "Are you okay?"

Leonard wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

He sighed before answering, "We both knew it was a long shot," His words broke the silence.

"Even if he hadn't been arrested for the emerald," she gently placed a hand on his cheek, "he would have ended up going to jail anyway. It was his destiny."

"And it feels like I'm destined to follow in his footsteps," Leonard sighed, his gaze dropping.

"Is that what's troubling you?" she cupped his chin, lifting his face gently, "You are not your father." Her words seemed to resonate with him.

"Ever since I found out about Henry..." Ayana interrupted him, not wanting him to continue down that path of comparison.

"Please, don't compare yourself to him. Look at everything you've done for your sister - you've taken care of her so well," she reassured him, locking eyes with him, "and I know you'll be an amazing father to our son too."

She leaned forward, placing her lips softly against his own, savoring the moment.

When they finally parted, he whispered, "Thank you."

"For everything."

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