Chapter 23 - Back at School

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"Welcome back everyone for announcements, there's only one week left before your final exams begin, I'm sure you're all studying constantly right? Also, don't forget to keep training, the written exam is only one element there is also the practical portion to worry about." Aizawa starts walking out before saying, "Good luck." Then closing the classroom door closed.

"I've barely even taken notes this semester!" Both Denki and Mina yell at the same time both freaking out in their own ways. "And with the sports festival and internship, I didn't have time to read the textbook." Denki continues.

I groan myself stressing out about it, I'm barely considered average intelligence wise, I'm still not used to studying so much. "Woah even you class rep."

I look up to see Mina and Denki looking at me, "Well yeah, in Magnolia we never studied most of us knew how to read and write but unless your job consists of higher education or your parents can afford to school you never get more than that unless you have a parental figure to teach you everything."

"Did you come from a poor country or something?"


"Yeah was it like dirt roads and huts or something?" Denki says wondering how we lived in a place with little education.

I look at them questioningly, "No, we had houses like neighborhoods and stone paths along with a creek flowing places that were always clear. There just wasn't a point to get any higher education if you wanted to join a guild."

"That's like your counties version of a hero agency right?" Mina asks.

"Yeah, that's it," I say remembering how much Ryuko's Agency was like a guild in the aspect you go on jobs and there are some people who are always in the guild to keep it up.

Our conversation gets cut short as we hear, "As someone ranked in the top ten, I'm not that concerned." come from Mineta himself. Both Denki and Ashido shout at his desk, "What?! You were ninth in the midterms!?" Then they both get angry at him in their own ways, do rankings matter that much to them?

"Ashido, Kaminari, (Y/N)! We still have time to study. That way we can all go to the training camp together!" Midoriya pipes up excitedly.

"Yes, I have high hopes that we'll make U.A. proud!" Tenya raises his arm in a weird way.

"It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class isn't it," Todoroki tells us.

I just put my chin on my desk and pout, 'Do they think I'm dumb too?' I ask in my head.

"Hey don't worry about it you three, I can catch you up to speed on the important topics if you want."

The three of us perk up and feel hope and we all say simultaneously, "You're the best Yao-momo!" Jirou comes and asks as well, then Sero, and finally Ojiro.

I walk to her desk wondering how we are going to meet up while Momo gets excited at everyone wanting her to tutor them. "This is wonderful! Yes, let's do it!" The trio who joined cheers as Denki and Mina get closer to the group while Momo starts excitedly ranting about where we are going to study.

"Okay, we can hold a study session at my residence over the weekend."

"Seriously? I can't wait to see your fancy digs!"

"Oh I must call Mother and have her prepare the great hall for us to set up; it'll be the perfect spot. What kind of tea does everyone like? I'll have her make sure we're stocked. In my family, we always drink Harrods or Wedgwood, so if you have any other preferences, let me know! When we're finished, you'll all be model students! I'll make it my personal duty to push you forward.

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