Chapter 3 - Detective Tsukauchi

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Detectives' P.O.V.

"So do you actually believe he can do magic?" I ask my colleague.

"They can't actually right? There's no way we have quirks not magic." The lady responds.

"Yes but remember the video, he was wearing a weird getup that looked like a heroes but he didn't know what heroes or villains were. Then he attacked Kamui Woods with an air attack but later light his fist on fire. He was being considerate to Kamui seeing as he's made out of wood."

"So if he wanted to hurt Kamui he would have used that fire quirk of his." I nod.

"Exactly, I don't believe he intended to do harm but we can't keep our eyes off him just in case. The others won't believe he can do magic either maybe there's some way he can prove he does magic."

"Well since he does magic then the cuffs that cancel quirks won't have any effect right."

"That could be the case, let's try that theory and also let's get Eraserhead. If he can use his magic even with those barriers he will be a forced to be reckoned with." She nods, "I'll get Eraserhead on the phone." I nod, 'I guess I better get those cuffs.'

I quickly get the cuffs but before I reached the room one of the police guards say, "Hey Boss there is this boy who says he knows the kid that appeared two days ago." The guard wasn't also the person who arrested the kid and brought him here. I quickly tell him, "Let him in we could really use the help and clarification right now." He nods then comes back quickly, "And uhm sir,"


"All Might's with him." I quickly nod my head, "Please send them in quickly too." Soon I see All Might and a kid with green hair. "Hey All Might it's been awhile."

"Yeah Tsukauchi it really has been." All Might turns into his slim form, "Woah All Might is it okay for him to see you like this?" All Might nods, "Yeah he's actually a friend of mine and one of the few people who knows about One for All." The kid nods his head, "So I obviously know All Might but who might you be kid?"

"O-oh I'm Izuku Midoriya. (L/N) was the first person to actually help me in school so I want to be the person to help him." I nod my head in understanding, "Well he's in this room actually, and uhm this is one reason as to why we believe him when he says he can do dragon slayer magic." I open the door to the room and we see (Y/N) taking another chunk from the table. He seems to perk up at this, but then looks at the metal in his hand and quickly scarfs it down and yells, "Hey Izuku! Woah and All Might too!"

"Did you know he can eat metals?" All Might asks Izuku he just shakes his head, "I knew he could eat different elements but this is completely farther than I thought."

"Do you guys not eat the things your powers are to strengthen them?" (Y/N) says, "Uhm no we don't." The green haired kid tell him.

"Oh so you guys are just regular wizards from my world then." The sweat drop.

"Regular wizards?" The oblivious boy just nods his head, "Only dragon slayers and god slayers can eat their elements."

"God slayers?" Then (Y/N) goes on a rant of how unfair godslayers can eat their element and heal themselves by doing so while a dragon slayer can only eat their element to boost their power.

"Wait you're not preparing for an attack are you?" I ask the kid, "Hm? Oh no I was just really hungry." I sigh in relief, "Well I have a quick question why don't you want to break out of here?"

"Because I don't sense any ill intent for you. If you were a bad guy then you would be boasting of how much money you were going to get for selling the 'Elementalist' you wouldn't believe how many times people tried capturing me and stuff. You kind of just let them after a while when the same thing keeps happening."

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