The Brothers Fight

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(Kyoya's POV)

It's strange how something so small can change the way you see someone. Like the way Rin had started to act more afraid of me after that day in my bedroom.

For me, it was the way she looked at the Host Club just a few days ago. Having spent more time with her than anyone else, it was too easy to forget that she was two years younger than I was. Meaning that age-wise she would be a middle school 3rd year while I was a 2nd year in high school. But that day, I saw her in a way I never had before.

She'd looked so sweet and innocent, almost like a child. It was scary in a way. Knowing her and the way her life had been before I'd known her, she'd probably never even had her first kiss. That was something I'd stolen from her.

Stolen? That makes me sound like some sort of criminal. Maybe in a way I was. That would explain why I've felt so guilty for almost doing such things to her. Had my sister not come into the room when she had, would I have stopped myself? I'd like to think I would have, but to be honest, I have no clue. Funny how one could know themselves so little.

"You're just too cute for your own good, you know that?" I could hear my older brother's voice coming from further down the hall. Akito normally didn't say things like that, so just who was he talking to? When I didn't hear the other person's response, I headed down the hallway to investigate.

Soon enough, I came upon a sight that I hadn't expected to see. There was little Rin with her back against the wall. Akito was in front of her, his face merely inches away from hers. She seemed scared like I realized she had been when I'd been that close to her.

I couldn't say for sure why, but seeing my brother doing that to her made me angry. He was a grown man and she was barely in high school. This was wrong on many different levels, not to mention that it was probably illegal.

My anger flared up inside me. Rushing over, I pushed him off of her. "You sick freak!" At that point, everything became a blur as I lunged at my brother. Things were said that I paid no attention to. All I knew was that I wanted to hurt him for even thinking of touching her.

I hadn't even paid any attention to Rin; I was too busy trying to make him pay. Until someone stepped between the two of us, I hadn't noticed anything around me.

"Stop it! Both of you!" Rin shouted at us. We both froze instantly. It wasn't like her to raise her voice like that or even get involved in our family's arguments. "This is childish! There is no excuse for you two to be fighting like this!"

I'd never seen her like this before. In a way, it was almost scary that someone who was naturally so calm and gentle could be so... I don't have the words to describe it. "But he-" I started to defend myself, but she wouldn't allow it.

"Don't try to act so noble! You're no better than he is, Kyoya!"

Her words were like a knife straight to my heart. As much as I wanted to believe otherwise, she was right. Rin had even called me by my first name; she never did that, even when I asked her to.

You're no better than he is, Kyoya! 

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