"Uhmm. . . hello there mister," I waved at him desperately. "I'm talking to you. Can you please stay in my seat? Pretty please. Even if it's for now?" I pouted and batted my eyelashes together in the hope that he would agree. Fat chance. Dude didn't even budge.

"Nah, I'm good, and you know how he is. Besides, it's between you guys, I ain't gonna be involved. Sorry," Jayden quipped---raising both of his arms in surrender---grinning wickedly. Turning to his desk, he went back to doodling on a plain white sheet, and left me to the elements. The elements which were in the form of Kian and his dumb musicals.

I rolled my eyes, pissed. Instead of the doofus to help out, he'd flinged me to the dogs. It's really not a wonder that I muse about the breed of friends I had.

The next thing I heard while trying to ignore the pest aka Kian besides me was, "Are you done seeking help?"

Kian's breathy voice tickled the insides of my ears and I quivered as I inhaled that exasperating rosemary essence of his, my pulse throbbing a notch. Putting on my resting bitchy face, I elbowed him in the ribs and he doubled back in pain, hopefully a severe one, from the way he blurted, "Oof!" Ha! Serves you right, bonehead.

Still bent, he gave me a slow teasing perusal and managed to mouth out amidst huge gulps of air, "You'll be paying for this Jamila. Just you wait."

I gave him a small smirk and snorted, "If you ever try it, I'll upload your baby pictures on the internet. Dare me."

The moment I said that, he gaped at me and wanted to say something but thought better of it. I knew that would scare him a little, after all he was the Golden Boy and wouldn't want his embarrassing baby pics to be seen by his friends. I was fibbing---where would I get his baby pics from?---but he didn't need to know that. At least the dude's mouth was kept shut now.

Satisfied, I turned back to the topic boldly written on the white board, Novel Analysis, Mood and Themes. Hmm, fascinating. Not. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be one of those old boring books.

"Good morning class, it's time to go down to business. I have a project for you all to do and for your participation in it, you have to have a partner," Mr. Bentley announced finally, after wasting like ten minutes of his period going through a green pamphlet.

Bummer. I hate group assignments because in the end I'm usually the one who actually does it and not my uninterested partner.

He looked around. "The person sitting next to you will be your partner throughout this week for English classes. That said, Jayden and Jamila, you're partners. Kian and Becky. . ." Mr. Bentley continued in this manner.

So, I was partnered with Jayden. That was good because I wouldn't do everything alone this time around, and if it's possible he'll do more of the task than I would.

"What do you think our topic is gonna be?" Jayden asked me. Guess he now wants to be involved. Let's see if I'll reply.

I played deaf and hummed to myself. Jayden laid his palm on mine, our skin colour a sharp contrast. "Jamila."

"I'm not hearing you." I slipped out my palm and brought both of my hands to my ears. I know I sounded petulant and immature but he deserved it.

"Okay I'm sorry," Jayden apologized, protruding his lower lips and giving me the puppy eyes. Nope, I ain't falling for that.

"Nah," I mimicked. "I'm not accepting sorry. You have to back it up with something. Let me see." I made a show of stroking my chin like I was thinking deeply of the task I was about to give him.

"How about you do twice your workload in this upcoming project, if you really want me to forgive you?" I cheekily demanded of him, my lips curling up in a smirk.

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