Frowning menacingly

Start from the beginning

"Calm down Eren, I'm just processing things... I never would've thought you were... and he was... the type?"

Surprised and relieved, I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

"Yes, I have to admit it's not that common, but honestly what does it change? We love each other as individuals, not for our genders."

"I know that. I was not trying to make you feel bad about it or anything. I have nothing against this. I'm only surprised. That's all. I always thought you'd end up with Mikasa. And I have to admit I was a bit jealous. That's probably why I liked Annie a lot before she turned know... it was less complicated than liking Mikasa."

"WHAT? I didn't know that." I say. "Careful though, Jean will kill you if he finds out."

We both laugh and Levi joins subtly. I can't help but notice that Armin's laugh seems a bit fake though. I wonder why.

After a while, Levi breaks the silence that settled.

"It's been a little over a month."

Armin looks at him quizzically.

"I can see you wanted to ask." Levi says.

Armin nods and then I add:

"The only other person who knows is Hanji. Well and maybe Mikasa but we haven't confirmed it to her. I wanted you to be the first of my friends to know."

Armin's eyes fill with tears as he tries to bear the thought that I had chosen him as the first person to put my trust into. It doesn't take longer than that for him to hug me so tight that I can barely breathe. He extends an arm around Levi's neck and brings him in our group hug, sobbing like he always does. I smile and turn to Levi, who is now frowning menacingly. I let out a laugh as he grins, trying to be nice for me.

"Ok, enough, Armin." Levi says.

He let's go and sits back. I turn back to Levi. And mouth a silent "Thanks". He nods.

"So that's why Mikasa's pissed at you." Armin says.

"She is?" I ask sarcastically.

"Tch... Don't tell me you didn't see the way she looks at me, Brat!" Levi says.

"She's jealous?" I say in realization. "I thought she was angry because I didn't want to explain what she saw in the woods that day: us holding hands."

Armin and Levi burst into laughter because apparently I was too blind to see that she was more than just a little angry at me. I would have to talk to her, it seems.

"Fine, she'll be next." I say.

Levi gulps.

"What?" He asks. "You want me to die?"

"Of course not. You don't have to come if you're "scared"." I smirk.

"Excuse me?" He glares at me.

I bite my lower lip before repeating.

"Are you scared?"

"Little shit, I'm never scared. And I'm going with you. I won't let her destroy your pretty face."

He winks. I know that wink refers to that only exception that is the fear of losing me. Since when does Levi wink anyway? 

Armin coughs.

"Want some privacy?" He asks.

We all laugh.

"Okay Brats, time to go to bed now, it's late." Levi says.

We get up and stand in the middle of the roof top. Armin once again rushes to us in a big friendly hug. Levi rolls his eyes as he hugs me and him back.

"Thanks for trusting me. I won't tell. I promise." Armin murmurs.

I glance at Levi who nods. That's when we ear the scream:

"Intruders!" Jean yells as we all break apart.

No. Not Jean. I shake my head to Levi who is already looking at me with a question in his eyes. He understands that we can't talk to him yet. I'm not ready to handle this with him. He nods before shouting:


"Heichou? Is that you?" Jean asks.

The three of us jump down as our 3DM gears restrain us from crashing on the ground. Levi barely even looks like he fell. He reaches the ground as if he didn't even stop walking. He'll have to teach me how to make it seem so easy. We walk to Jean. Levi in front, Armin and I in the back. Armin pats my back before standing straight again. "It's going to be okay", that's what he means.

"Sir!" Jean says as he salutes Levi.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Levi asks right away.

"Because I heard voices and I thought we were under attack." Jean says.

Levi's eyebrows shoot up.

"Attacked by who?"

"I...I don't know. The MPs, they aren't exactly our allies after all, right?"

Levi grasps Jean's hair and pulls him down. Then, he hits him with his knee. Completely shocked, I'm tempted to interfere but that would be a total give away. Normal Heichou Levi would never listen to something I say. Most of all, I would never go against his orders.

"Heichou! I think that's enough." Armin says.

Jean's lip is bleeding but overall he doesn't seem that badly injured. I'm tempted to smile but I can' must hurt a lot and he thought he was doing his duty. This can't happen again, we'll have to talk to everyone in a shorter period of time. Not now, but soon. Levi let's go of Jean's head. After he coughs a little blood, Jean get's up and salutes Levi again. I look away because I can't look at his face covered in blood. I feel responsible for that. I actually feel really bad for him. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to say no to Levi. Maybe I should've said yes and we would've told Jean. But if I'm being honest with myself, I know that he wouldn't have been able to keep his mouth shut and everyone would've known, including Erwin. Then, Levi would've been uncomfortable. I wish there would've been a third option but now it's done.

"Go to bed." Levi orders to the three of us.

I turn around and start walking along with Armin.

"Not you Jaeger. You're bringing back the spare gear with me."

I nod as Armin walks into the castle, helping Jean on his way. Levi certainly doesn't want me to just "bing back the spare gear with him". I grin.


(A/N): Ahhh Armin...such a good friend. Poor Jean though...

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