Care to entertain?

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(A/N): Ok so it's getting steamy in this one so stop reading if you don't want to read

It's about a month later. Eren is bored and still needs answers...

16+ I guess? :)

For my love of texts between them...let's pretend for a moment that there are indeed cellphones in the regular story of shingeki no kyojin okay? :) 



Eren: I'm bored

Levi: How is this my problem, Brat?

Eren: I don't know... Care to entertain?

Levi: When do I ever serve as entertainment?

Eren: I can name you a couple of times.

Levi: Really? Interesting.

Eren: I could also refresh your mind if only Mikasa could go to sleep and stop staring at me with that angry face of hers. I'm surprised she hasn't told anyone yet.

Levi: I assume you could, indeed, refresh my mind...amongst other things.

Eren: I knew you loved me.

Levi: Shut up and get your ass here.

(end of text messages)


"You there?" I ask when I finally reach the door.

He opens the door and shows me his phone.

"Yes idiot! You'd think I leave after this? Hurry up."

He checks the hallway to make sure nobody saw me entering the room.

"Why do you keep doing this? We will have to tell them eventually..."

He's not listening to me. A flicker of envy lights up in his eyes. He reaches for my hips and pulls me closer to him. It's tempting. Even more than tempting but I don't want to lose track of what I was saying. He removes my survey corps jacket and throws it across the room.

"Levi, we're going to have to tell them, right?"

I search his eyes for an answer, but I see right away that I'm not getting anywhere with this.

"Tch..." He says while inspecting my shirt for any stains that I would've forgotten about.

His eyes move down to my abs as he reaches the bottom of my shirt to pull it off but I stop him. He licks his lips and tries again. I push his hand away and take two steps back.

"I said no! I want an answer first."

He rolls his eyes and places one hand on his forehead.

"You and your damn answers, Brat!"

I lift my shirt, showing off my abs to him before saying:

"You answer or you're not getting any of this..."

He grins, knowing very well that I am serious and that he'll have to cooperate.

"FINE... I give up. What is it that you want now?"

I'm surprised at how well that trick worked... I'll have to keep that in mind. For now, let's talk serious.

"When are we going to tell them, it's been a month Levi, you can't pretend this is nothing. Unless, of course, that's what you think."

He wipes his hands nervously on his legs and says:

"I'm not ready. They're going to hate me. They won't understand. My age, your age. Not everyone thinks like me and you."

I smile reassuringly. I knew all along that this was the problem, I just needed to hear it from him. A confirmation that it's not him backing out of this relationship, but him protecting both of us from other people. The kind-hearted hero, as always.

"My age won't matter in five years. And if you say you're not ready, I will respect that."

He smiles and takes a step forward. I have gotten used to that very hot smile of his. I feel like it's a treasure that only I get to cherish. But even if the temptation is stronger by the minute, I'm not done talking, so I lift my hand to stop him from coming any closer.

"But let's make a deal."

He rolls his eyes and folds his arms impatiently.

"We will tell one person every day. Starting by the people we trust the most and finishing by the people we hate... Like Jean... jean will definitely be last. Smartass."

I'm scared of his answer and I'm pretty sure he's going to disagree with me, even though he laughed when I said Jean would be the last one to know. Instead, he avoids the answer to the question.

"Jean would just be jealous of me, Eren."

"Very funny! Now please give me an answer. How about we start with Hanji or Erwin, I'm pretty sure they'd both be happy and not judge?"

He hesitates but I play with the bottom of my shirt while biting my bottom lip and he gives in.

"Not today...not tomorrow...maybe next week."

I smile, a genuine one that shows just how happy he made me with this simple vague answer.

"But you agree to do it?"

He sighs.

"Yes but Hanji first... Erwin might not react the way you'd think."

"Good enough for me..."

He unfolds his arms and his mouth opens up a little showing the desire creeping up on his face as I remove the straps that go around my shoulder and lift my shirt up to take it off.

"Reporting for duty...Heichou." I purr.

He runs to me and before I even know it, lifts me from the ground. I wrap my legs around him, scared that he won't be able to handle my weight but then I realize he is much stronger than I thought. I bring my head down as he kisses me, parting my lips with his now so familiar tongue. My breath becomes shaky but we keep going. He travels across the room in less than a second and drops me on the bed, climbing up on me right away. He pulls on my belts as hard as he can in an attempt to remove them without detaching them all from me. He scratches my legs with them in the process but manages to get them off. I unbutton his shirt but can barely keep up with his pace and hungry eyes. My pants fly over the bed while he, is still all covered up.

"Hey, calm down, I can't keep up."

His lips quirk up into a smirk and his eyes glimmer. He rests on top of me holding his weight on his arms and waits for me to finish removing his shirt. We stare into each other's eyes, saying the things we are not daring to say out loud. Then I remove his belt.

"Damn, Eren, are you taking your time for a reason?" He says, growing impatient.

He drops his weight back onto me. Our lips seal shut for a moment and then he goes back down and his tongue travels between my abs. I make uncontrollable moaning sounds as he tries to go further south. I'm still the taller one though so I pull him back up to my face with a similar strength as his. His smile grows wide as I unzip his pants and remove everything that's in my way.

And suddenly, I'm free. I'm not Eren Jaeger, humanity's last hope. I'm not Eren Jaeger, the titan shifter. I'm not Eren Jaeger, the suicidal psychopath...even though I can't help but smile at this thought. I have found my reason to live, my reason to make sure this world doesn't end. I'm free even though I'm still stuck within these walls. I'm free in his arms. I'm free because I'm his and I love him. He's mine. I want to shout it. I want everyone to know. I'm in love with Levi and he's in love with me. We are together in all possible ways... He's my Heichou.


(A/N): part is gonna have smutt but you can skip it! And it's my first smutt so be nice! I speak french, remember? 

But since we're going to die hereDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora