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(A/N): Eren heard Levi and Erwin's conversation...


(Levi POV again until further notice.)

"Does it really matter?" Eren asks.

I shake my head and smile.


"There are no words that could explain how much I'm happy that you are alive. I love you."

"I love you too, idiot. I'm not going anywhere."

His smile fades as he grabs my hand to hold it.

"Were...Were you going to tell me about this eventually? About Erwin?"

I take a moment to think of what would be the right answer to that. If I say yes, he'll be reassured but what I mean to say is No because it's not important to me... I choose honesty instead. I wasn't planning on telling him. I never had feelings towards Erwin. I value the person he is, the friend he is, the brotherly relationship we have. But even if I did feel a need to kiss him, one day, doesn't mean I love him. I really don't, at least not like he would want me to. I look back up to the bright green and pleading eyes that stare at me.

"I don't think so..."

He frowns.

"What? But why?" He asks. "Aren't we supposed to be honest with each other?"

"Tch. When did I ever lie to you?"

"Never, but you weren't honest about your past either."

Does he know about Isabel and Farlan? How would he? Oh...I see. Erwin must have told him.

"The past is in the past, Eren. That is the only reason why I don't talk about it. How am I supposed to keep living my life if I keep thinking of everyone who died because of me? Also, what would be the appropriate way to put this: "Hi, I'm Levi, I really like your sorry ass, but hey, let me tell you a bit about my past in the underground where I was nothing but a highly ranked criminal" ? Tccchhh.... Enough once upon a time shit, idiot."

He holds my hand a bit tighter.

"Come on. Be serious. I understand that. It just sucks to hear from Erwin that the only reason you like me is because I remind you of her. Isabel."

I roll my eyes and try to sit up straight but my ribs quickly remind me that this isn't going to happen right now. I wince.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine. And this is not true...well partially. You do remind me of her, but she was a sister to me. If you haven't noticed, you couldn't be further away from a brother to me. That'd be quite inappropriate, considering all the things we've done."

I bite my lip, trying to make him do the same because god knows how much I love it when he does that.

"Idiot." He replies with a smirk. "So, you really like me then?"

"Careful with your words, Brat. And of course I like you, why would I be alive if I didn't? I would've had no reason to come back. I saw all of them. Calling my name, begging me to go with them, and then you stood there, in the middle of the crowd of people that I lost. And then, you held out your hand. Without an hesitation, I reached for it because that's all I wanted. I wanted you."

He blinks a couple of times and a tear trails down his cheek. A smile grows on his face and he playfully bites his lip.

"For god's sake Eren, these broken bones of mine will have to heal faster if you keep teasing me with those lips."

But since we're going to die hereKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat