In the name of science

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(A/N): Eren made the mistake of falling asleep and spent the whole night in Levi's room. The next morning...


I wake up startled by Levi's screaming.

"Dammit, Brat! You slept the whole night here! What are we going to do?"

I cover my head with the pillow to try and rest a little more. I need to rest, I'm sore.

"Don't you dare." He says as he throws my pillow on the floor.

*Knock, Knock*

"Shit!" He says.

I sit, now completely awake, and try to make as little noise as possible. Waiting for the possible intruder to leave. But then, the door opens. Levi jumps on the bed, covering himself up with the bed sheets. Hanji comes in uninvited and says:

"Levi, I..."

She stops talking when she notices us. Without a word, she walks back out. Closes the door and reopens it. She comes in again and blinks a couple of times. She removes her glasses and puts them back on as she stares at us. Levi's mouth drops open.

"Oh.My.God. I knew it." She squeals while jumping around in circles.

Levi stares at her blankly for a second and then speaks angrily:

"Shut the fucking door Hanji!"

She obeys and then walks toward the bed.

"Since when?" She asks as Levi grabs his shirt and buttons it up.

I stare at both of them, not knowing what to say. So instead, I just place my hand on Levi's shoulder.

"I'm nowhere near drunk enough to talk about this."

He keeps his gaze down and adds:

"Eren, gather the rest of my clothes will you? "

I get up, wrapping myself with one of the bed sheets. Levi follows Hanji's gaze to my abs.

"Oi!" He protests.

She turns her attention back to him.

"Jealous, aren't we, Levi? So tell me, how is it with you two? How did this happen? Tell the name of science that is."

"I swear If you don't shut your mouth, I'm going to hit you! Eren, MY CLOTHES!"

I hand him his clothes, not saying a word, scared he'll be pissed off if I say the wrong things. I'd rather he handles it since what happened here is pretty obvious. He gets dressed under the covers and then gets up. He throws me my pants and shirt and makes a gesture towards the bathroom. I go in, close the door and get dressed. When I come out, Levi hasn't moved and Hanji is still waiting for answers with a gigantic smile covering her face. I eye Levi and he points at her with his chin. So apparently I have to talk. What should I say? Let's just start with basics I guess, then.

"Hanji, you won't tell this to anyone, will you?" I ask.

She raises her eyebrows and quickly looks at Levi.

"A secret... interesting." She says.

"It's not a's... it's just we want to take our time to say it to everyone. It's not easy. Not everyone will react, well, like you."

"Like Explain it to me. How did you perceive my reaction to be?" She asks.

Levi sighs.

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