Don't you dare...idiot!

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(A/N): Erwin figures it out...


"Put him there!" Hanji shouts at Connie and Jean.

As soon as he's on the bed, that very same bed where I layed down for some of her experiments, she prepares a ton of material and throws it on the table that she just brought in.

"Oi! Help me, we don't have much time!" She yells while gathering more things.

I glance at Erwin who's giving instructions to Jean and Connie. The two of them leave right away. Then, Erwin is moving towards Levi. I do the same. He starts unbuckling the straps that surrounds Levi's left thigh and a burst of jealousy fills me. I glare at Erwin as I unbuckle the ones from his other thigh. As soon as I'm done I move up to the belt that surrounds his hips. There is no way I'm going to let Erwin, or anyone else, put their hands near his hips. So I suggest to him:

"Commander? Take care of his legs, I'll remove the straps from his upper body. It will go faster this way."

He raises an eyebrow but moves back to Levi's feet and starts removing the harness.

I try not to blush as I undo the hip belt. When it's done I push it aside and move up to his arms. I try two or three different techniques to remove them but nothing seems to work. Nothing that wouldn't make him move.

"Hanji?" I say.

"Yes dear, hurry up!"

"Hanji, how do I remove the straps without making his ribs move?"

She stops what she's doing and thinks for a moment.

" have two choices it seems. Either you hurt him a little, or you cut the straps off of him. I would personally pick the first option if you do not want to deal with him after he's healed and explain why you ruined his harness."

I can't help but smile, not only because she thinks he'll be mad if we cut his belts but because she said "After he's healed". This means she believes that he will be alright in the end.

"But, why hurt him if we can cut them off, he'll surely understand why we did it..." I say.

While I'm distracted, Erwin moves to Levi's upper body and in a quick movement makes him sit up and rest his head on his shoulder as he removes the belts off of him. Levi's body becomes tense and I can see his muscles moving. He is frowning and his teeth are grinding.

"God dammit Commander! I said I was going to do it!"

He glares at me.

"We are wasting precious time with all your whining. That's enough!" He says.

I nod with clenched teeth. Inside my head I imagine every way I could make Erwin suffer for daring to be so close to Levi. Suddenly I feel an urge to know what happened between them. What happened that makes Levi scared of telling him about us.

Erwin places Levi back down on the bed and starts unbuttoning his shirt. I stare at him, unable to figure out what to do because I can't stand seeing this. Erwin doing this instead of me and the rib that pierces through Levi's beautiful skin.

"Jaeger! Snap out of it." Erwin says. "Remove his pants or I will do it."

He looks at me, expecting some kind of reaction but except for my red cheeks I remain emotionless. I take off his pants and stare at Levi's boxers for a moment. Lucky me, Hanji sees my discomfort and comes to my rescue. She places her hand on mine.

"No need to remove these." She says with a wink.

I can't help but grin back at her as Erwin covers up Levi up to his hips with one of the few bed sheets that is not already covered in blood.

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