Think: Chapter Thirty-Six: Upgrades, Improvements, and a Mad Inventor?

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Thirty-Six: Upgrades, Improvements, and a Mad Inventor?

Training for the Provisional Hero Licensing Exam was on full blast. Thankfully, no one had mentioned Bakugo's date since the deal had been made. That was the last thing on your mind, as you stood in front of the half-exploded door in front of you. You checked for about the third time that you were indeed standing in front of the right room to request modifications to your suit. You'd somehow managed to make it there on your own, getting a little bit better at navigating UA but not that much. You had had a late day, and everyone else had other things to attend to, so you were stuck going on your own in your full sparkling hero costume.

Ochaco and Midoriya were supposed to meet up with you afterwards to take you back to the dorms for a rescue study session for the upcoming exam.

"Hello?" a voice cooed, eyeing you from the doorway.

You shivered at the shine in her yellow eyes that almost appeared like a crosshair locking onto you.

"Are you looking for one of my babies?" she asked.

"B-babies?" you inquired, taking a tentative step back. "I'm looking to make changes to my hero costume. Is this the support course room?" you asked. When she didn't answer you right away, you looked at the number on the door again. "Or, the support course workshop?"

The stranger flung the door wide, grinning brightly at you. The door made a horrifying screech, having been forced open. The girl's pink hair bounced across her shoulders as excitement began to surge through her. "Oh, I haven't seen you around. Are you a hero course student? Such a fancy utility belt. What do you keep in there?" The girl wiggled her fingers in your direction, seemingly going to search through your pockets.

You gripped your belt, stepping back again. Her face was smudged with grease. Her eyes zipped around you with such precision it made you dizzy.

"I'm sorry. I don't believe we've met each other. My hero name is Think. Who are you?" you asked.

The girl straightened, placing her hands on her hips. "You can call me Hatsume! I'm a student in the support course, and I can't wait to get you in one of my precious babies. What's your quirk? Ooh, must be something flashy, right? You're pretty short, but I bet I can find something that will fit you."

"My quirk is Mind," you muttered, attempting to shrink away from her.

She blinked at you curiously, a grin spreading thinly onto her face. "You mean like telekinesis, right?"

"Uh, yeah," you said.

She grabbed your wrist, tugging you into the room, which was empty besides a pile of inventions and a disheveled work station. It was at this point that you realized that Power Loader, the hero teacher that was supposed to be supervising this lab, wasn't around at the moment.

"Are w-we supposed to be doing these kinds of things without Mr. Maijima here?" you asked.

"Sure. He lets me tinker all the time, especially since the dorms were put up on campus. Now, stay still, if you don't, then this could explode," she said, hooking a system of metal and wires over your shoulders.

"E-explode!" you shouted.

She hushed you by covering your mouth with her motor-oil smelling hand. "Probably shouldn't shout either. It could also be triggered by vocal vibrations," she muttered, focusing on pieces near your chest. She removed her hand, and you attempted to stay calm in this not very calm situation.

Hatsume was too close. Your personal bubble might as well have been an open door.

"The hell?" a familiar grumbling voice came from the entryway.

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