Think: Chapter Fifty-Three: It Takes a Heart to Explain a Mind

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Fifty-Three: It Takes a Heart to Explain a Mind

You didn't know how they'd managed to take Shinso away from you with how strongly you were clutching him to yourself. He'd come back into consciousness, before they'd taken him away. His fingers grazed yours, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I told you I could handle it, Kitten," he said.

You choked on a dry sob, no longer having enough tears to cry anymore. You watched as the ambulance took him away.

Heart of Hearts stayed with you, careful not to make you uncomfortable. Once your mind had settled, you realized why Shinso was there. He must have been patrolling with his mentor for his work-study. His work-study was with her, Heart of Hearts.

"Shouldn't you go with him?" you whispered.

Heart of Hearts chuckled as if she expected the question. "Mindjack is tougher than you might think. He's fine. I could tell. Besides, Aizawa is already waiting for him at the hospital."

You gulped. Aizawa had been notified? Of course he had been notified. One of his students had lost complete control of their powers. It was inevitable that you would have ended up in the hospital, that was until Shinso interfered.

You looked over at the damage you'd caused. There was a hole in the bottom of two buildings, but by some miracle it appeared the collateral damage had been minimized by you isolating yourself from the main stream of traffic.

"For what it's worth, I think you did what you needed to do to protect innocent people. No civilians were harmed by your quirk's outburst," Heart of Hearts stated, humming softly. She ran a hand through her short pink tresses, adjusting the loose strands to better frame her face. "Still, this is going to be a doozy to explain."

You winced. Aizawa was going to kill you.

"Don't look so worried," Heart of Hearts assured. "I've explained my way out of much worse. You think I could have a set of peepers like these and not be able to get out of a little bit of trouble?" There was that smile again, almost as brilliant as All Might's. She fluttered her eyelashes at you to make a point.

Something suddenly clicked from her display of confidence. You began looking around frantically. "What happened to Kirishima? Is he okay? Where's Fat Gum?" You pulled on your ears. "Tamaki was shot. His quirk wasn't working either. Are they all okay?"

"Woah, take a breath, kiddo. You're going to get yourself worked up, and then there will be nothing I can say to get you out of the hot seat. I have a feeling your quirk can help the police, so I'll try to play it through that angle. I am also more than privy to you and your quirk. I'm confident I can turn this around."

You pressed your lips together, shifting nervously. The police were approaching shortly after. Your muscles coiled. You weren't exactly sure what you'd actually damaged entirely, but you were almost certain it wasn't going to look good for Fat Gum in the long run.

It wasn't until Kirishima popped his head around one of the officers that you actually felt a sense of relief. His bright, scuffed smile sent a warm shiver through you. You went to move, but your cape was snagged by Heart of Hearts, who had her eyes focused on the approaching law enforcement. Her joyful expression had gone stern.

"Let me do the talking," she said.

You settled back, not fighting her. If Shinso and Aizawa both trusted her, you could too. You knew that your situation wasn't great to say it lightly. You'd lost control. Chaos in a hero society just didn't mesh well with order. For all you knew, you were going to be arrested for endangering the city. Nausea rushed through you once you'd caught sight of Fat Gum, who wasn't smiling. You'd royally messed up, and you weren't sure if you would ever be able to get out of the hole your quirk had dug you into to.

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