Think: Chapter Twenty-Seven: Parents' Day

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Parents' Day

You didn't want to leave your room. Despite having so much fun baking with your classmates, and even being a little excited to meet their parents for the first time, you were not looking forward to seeing your own. The last time you'd even spoken to your parents was in the hospital. You knew that their opinion towards you hadn't changed, nor did their perception of heroes. You didn't know if you wanted to stand by their false faces and endure their painful small talk. You worried the most about their perception of your friends. It was one thing that they didn't accept you, but you weren't sure how you would handle them commenting about anybody you'd gotten close to since being at UA.

You chose a conservative black dress, complete with your signature boots and leggings. You braided your hair, applying minimal makeup, the perfectly normal daughter for the perfectly normal parents. You sighed, looking at yourself in the mirror. You wished that you could say you were proud of how far you'd come, but you felt hollow.

A knock at the door peeked your attention. You opened up to find Bakugo standing there. He was dressed rather casually for parents to be visiting the school, in a simple pair of shorts and a black t-shirt. You wondered briefly if his parents weren't actually coming.

"Hey," he muttered softly.

"Hey," you said, quirking up an eyebrow up at him.

"I wanted to warn you ahead of time that my parents want to see you," he said. His gaze was still on the ground, as he rubbed the back of his head. "I don't give a damn if you make an effort to see them, but if they see you, they're going to say, 'hi,'" he mumbled.

"Your parents want to see me?" you asked. You remembered meeting them for the first time, and it was a relatively pleasant experience.

"You have something in your ears, Big Brain?" he grumbled, scowling at you.

"Sorry," you said.

Bakugo's expression softened, before hardening slightly with tension. "That's all I came here to tell you," he said. Surprisingly, he didn't move from his place in front of the door. "Listen..." he trailed off. "If at any moment, you need to get away from your parents..."

You held up a hand, letting out a deep sigh and holding the doorframe. "It'll be fine." You gave him a tense smile. "I'll be fine," you said in a whisper.

Bakugo gritted his teeth. His bright red orbs searched your face. He opened and closed his mouth, before clicking his tongue and walking away. Your chest tightened, but you didn't stop him. You could deal with your parents. You weren't going to trouble anyone else in 1-A with your home-life issues. It wasn't fair to them.

You made your way downstairs to set out your cake on the dessert table. Several other students were already prepping their area with décor and food. Most of the them were already in high spirits. Mr. Aizawa's intense gaze followed you. You couldn't help but notice him staring. Before you had the chance to approach him, he was coming up to you with his arms crossed.

"I expect your dessert doesn't contain any surprises?" he asked.

"N-no, sir," you stammered. "It's just a chocolate cake with a chocolate ganache." You blinked up at him in confusion. "Should there be a surprise in it?"

Mr. Aizawa sighed, shaking his head. "I already had to confiscate brownies from Kaminari and Ashido, after they came down here cackling. They added a special ingredient, if you know what I mean." He slammed a palm to his face, looking already exhausted. "I wouldn't think that you would make anything inappropriate for a parent event, but with this group of students..." he trailed off, when he noticed that you were staring at him blankly.

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