Think: Chapter Twenty-Nine: First Dates

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Twenty-Nine: First Dates

Shoto held the door open for you into the small crowded shop. It was busy, making you a bit nervous. Many regulars observed the entrance of the two of you with heavy curiosity. You were more than overdressed you discovered, but not more than Shoto was, and most of the attention loomed over him. The store owner recognized him immediately, nearly climbing over the counter to greet Shoto. Todoroki gave the short, balding man a small smile.

"Ah, my best customer brought a date this time," the old man stated warmly, glancing at you. "I started getting worried when I hadn't seen you in for quite a while. It must be because this beautiful young lady has caught your eye."

You made a move to step behind Todoroki nervously, but restrained yourself from doing so, as not to be rude.

The man smiled again, realizing partly that he had made you uncomfortable. "Ah, but enough chit chat from an old geezer like me. Who am I to stand between young love? You may take your regular seat if you would like. I believe the far back table is open."

Shoto nodded, taking you by the hand so that you could easily maneuver past others in the crowded room. Shoto pulled the chair out for you, and you hesitated before taking a seat, blushing. Even before you ordered, the owner came out with two bowls of cold soba, setting them in front of both of you. Shoto thanked the man, and he left you alone.

The chatter had ramped up, once you'd settled into your seats. Your hands shook when they took up your chopsticks, but you attempted to act normally. To say you didn't go out often was an understatement. When you weren't at school, you had always been at home. Your parents, being the quirk-phobes that they were, rarely left the house. This probably attributed to a lot of your anxiety in larger crowds. When things got cramped or too many people were around, your quirk tended to become unmanageable.

"You look uncomfortable," Shoto stated softly. "Is this not a satisfying place to have our first date?" he asked.

You frantically shook your head, attempting to compose yourself by looping a strand of loose hair behind your ear. "I...I'm not very comfortable in crowded places," you muttered softly. "This place is great, but I'm nervous."

Shoto scanned the room, nodding in understanding. "I dislike crowds as well, whenever things get overwhelming I tend to focus on something in particular. In my case, it's normally cold soba." He took the opportunity to slurp up some noodles, which naturally made you want to giggle. As composed as he always was, it was still very funny to see him eat cold soba because the custom of slurping it so loudly opposed his naturally reserved nature.

Shoto must have noticed you stifling a giggle because he slurped up some more noodles, until you couldn't hold it in anymore.

"N-now you're doing it on purpose." You laughed.

"I've told you before that slurping your soba shows great respect to the cook." He slurped again, giving you a small smile. "If focusing on your soba doesn't help, you can always just focus on me."

You squeaked in surprise, earning another smile from Shoto. He slurped up some more noodles, forcing your embarrassed reaction back into giggles. You naturally began to relax, falling out of laughter and beginning to eat yourself. The two of you were relatively quiet, just thankful to have each other's company while consuming the most delicious soba that has ever hit your taste buds. Soon the chatter of the crowd faded and all you were able to focus on was how beautiful Shoto's dual-colored eyes looked when he was gazing at you.

"Do you like to do anything other than baking in your free time?" Shoto asked. He'd been slipping in small questions here and there between eating. It appeared a bit unlike him, but you were glad that he was trying to get to know you a bit better. You wished you could learn more about him as well.

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