Think: Chapter Sixty-Six: A Chained Heart

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Sixty-Six: A Chained Heart

Once Hearts had returned, she had assisted in helping you. After doing a full examination, your quirk had subsided. A crisis had literally been averted thanks to Shinso's quick thinking.

Hearts couldn't believe the information that you'd collected. Her eyes darted over your hurried handwriting and drawings. She had to go to Sir Nighteye's agency immediately. This would prove to move things along far faster than expected, or at least that was how Hearts felt about it. Reluctantly, your mentor left. She expressed her concern for you before going, but knew this couldn't wait until morning.

You put on your pajamas, after the chilling dip in the bath. Shinso was sent back to your room. He was in charge of ensuring that there wouldn't be a relapse with your quirk and to keep you company. The two of you were equally exhausted but had to wait for Hearts' return before you could fully relax. This left both of you in an awkward state of tiredness, where you were both struggling to keep your head up and eyes open. Shinso had sprawled out on the small loveseat, while you were in the bed, lying on top of the covers.

"How long do you think Hearts will be gone?" you asked, poking your index fingers together.

"If this is as time sensitive and as serious as we have been led to believe, she might not be back until early morning," Shinso said, yawning. "You can sleep. I'm the one who has to switch rooms when she gets back. I'll keep watch if that makes you feel better."

"Watch? Watch for what?" you asked.

Shinso rolled his eyes. "Are you really going to make me list the reasons why someone should keep watch over you?" he asked. When you raised an eyebrow at him, he slowly started to count out the ways, lifting a finger with each number. "For one, you sleepwalk like every other night. There's not a chance in hell I'm going to let you wander out into the city alone. Two, your quirk nearly overtook you again today, and I'm not taking any chances. Three, you were kidnapped by The League of Villains not very long ago and that creepy snake is still out there. Four..." Shinso stopped, trailing off when he caught sight of your expression.

Your gaze shifted downward, guilt stripping what little excitement was left in you earlier that day. You didn't think you were that much trouble to keep track of. You were going to offer for Shinso to sleep, and you'd keep an eye out for Hearts, but after he'd listed all the things wrong with you being unsupervised, even in the same room, how could you?

"I see," you said in a small voice, shifting uncomfortably in your spot.

"Kitten," Shinso said softly. "I didn't mean—"

"I get it," you cut him off, hugging your knees to your chest.

Shinso sighed, deep within his chest. He shifted, before he stood from his position on the chair he'd reclined on. You tightened your grip around your legs, making an effort not to look at him. You could feel his enchanting violet eyes on you, watching.

"I get it," you repeated. You let out a heavy breath. "I've been a burden since the moment I enrolled in U.A.."

"You're not a burden." Shinso's voice had deepened. Without your eyes on him, he'd managed to get ever closer.

You absently flicked at invisible dust on your knee, tears welling in your eyes. Were your parents right? Should you have kept your quirk hidden like they wanted you to?

"Shinso, I..." you trailed off, looking up. You nearly jumped back when you saw how close Shinso had gotten to your face.

"Hitoshi," he said softly.

Think (MHA x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang