Think: Chapter Twenty: A Heated Swimming Competition

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Twenty: A Heated Swimming Competition

"Our request was granted for some fun at the school pool!" Ochaco exclaimed, after having spent the last five minutes banging on your door.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" you grumbled, pushing a strand of disheveled hair out of your face.

"It's time for us to meet the girls at the pool," she squealed. "You know that we can't go anywhere over the summer because of what's been going on, but we can make the most of the hot weather. It's bad enough that UA is still asking us to stay at the dorms over summer break. Come on! I know you love swimming!"

You rubbed your tired eyes, frowning at her. "I don't even have a bathing suit."

"The school has provided ones. Come on! Get dressed. We both need some relaxation after all the things that have been going on."

"Fine," you said, shutting the door.

Sleep had become an enigma to you at this point. After what had transpired regarding The League of Villains, your hopes of a good night's rest had disintegrated. You appreciated that Ochaco was inviting you to an all-girls event at the pool, but you weren't sure that you could stay awake long enough to enjoy it. You put on a regular t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. You attempted to fix your hair as good as you could, taking a bag of your own to keep your essentials in. You were also careful to put on a heavy amount of sunscreen. The last thing you needed to do was get sunburned after five minutes of just standing outside.

When you stepped out of your room, Ochaco was bouncing around like a young rabbit.

"It's been so long since we've had a day to relax with the girls. You're going to have so much fun."

"Yep," you said, holding back a yawn.

Ochaco pouted out her bottom lip. "Don't act so excited," she said sarcastically.

"I am excited," you said, giving her a weak smile.

"Don't tell me that you aren't sleeping again."

"Then I won't tell you."

Ochaco sighed, rummaging through her beach bag. You thought that maybe she was going a little over the top for making this a fun outing with the girls. "Here's some canned coffee. It should help you wake up."

"You know I don't drink coffee." You pushed the can out of your face. "It makes my head feel weird."

Ochaco shrugged, popping the top and drinking it herself.

"Where are you girls off to?" Shinso asked.

The two of you turned to him, and Uraraka's smile brightened. "The teachers gave us permission to use the pool today," she said.

"Is that so?" Shinso asked. "Mind if I accompany you there? Midoriya sent me a text saying that the boys were going to do endurance training. You know I can't pass up a reason to train." Shinso gave you a rare sincere smile, and you nearly swooned.

"Of course," you managed, before Ochaco got a word in.

"It's a good thing I ran into you. I have no idea where the pool is," Shinso said.

"It's a good thing that you ran into me, you mean," Ochaco said.

You narrowed your eyes at her. "I could have found it," you said.

"Sure you could have," she shot back.

You crossed your arms, and Shinso chuckled. When you made it out onto campus, the sun was beating down harder than you expected. Sweat had already started to bead up on your forehead.

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