Think: A Venomous Ending

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Warnings: This work contains mild language, blood, and violence.

(Ending 5 of 8)

A Venomous Ending

A knife sailed past your ear, aimed directly at Shigaraki's chest. All for One deflected the projectile with ease, and you caught the blade with your mind.

"Traitor," All for One hissed out.

"I won't let you harm Sweet Anna," Kobura snapped back. "Shigaraki is the one I work for, not you. He doesn't deserve to be dragged around like a puppet."

"Tomura should have known the cost of obtaining such power. I am just allowing him to rest. You would be wise to stand aside," All for One said.

You gave Doku back the knife. You saw the feral instincts set in his expression. Venom dripped from his bruised lips. Although his quirk had recently evolved, you weren't sure if he was in any condition to fight All for One.

"Is that why Shigaraki's fighting you like that?" Doku asked. "To rest?"

All for One's posture changed. He leaned forward defensively, his hand rising. "You have no imagination, Doku Kobura. Tomura is in a weakened state. He needs me to survive. If you truly cared about Tomura, you wouldn't waste your time trying to distract me from the girl. I am the only one my successor can truly trust."

How did Doku see that Shigaraki was internally fighting All for One? He couldn't read minds as far as you knew. Perhaps he could sense it, smell it on the man. Doku had said his last questions with such certainty that he had to have known.

Doku continued to adjust where he stood, ensuring that he was directly in between you and All for One. Doku wanted you out of harm's way. He needed you to be safe. He motioned with his hand behind his back for you to run.

You glanced between Doku and All for One. If you didn't make a choice soon, the Nomus would be upon both of you. If you left Doku, All for One might actually kill him. You hesitated, fists clenching at your sides. No, you wouldn't leave him. You took a few steps forward in determination, but Doku had already put his hand out to stop you.

"Please. I can't live without you. Please run," Doku said. "I love you." His body trembled. His knuckles went white from clenching the knife so hard in his hands.

"I can't—" You gasped, turning your gaze down to your chest. Red and black energy had punctured through you. All for One managed to slip his quirk behind you.

"You've revealed your weakness, Doku Kobura. Though I must admit it had been obvious," All for One said.

Doku's electric-green eyes widened. The quirk energy was pulled from your chest, blood spurting out. Doku gripped your body as you fell. Rage clouded his vision. His eyes went dead as his trembling stopped. He set you down and in the next instant he was on top of All for One. The knife in his hands plunged into his chest. Doku was blasted off of Shigaraki's body. Kobura's hand clutched the knife as he was forced away. He skidded beside you, breathing animalistically, like a thousand snakes hissing at once.

The Nomus came careening up Gigantomachia's back. You shot out strands of your mind, creating a barrier between them and Shigaraki. You coughed up blood as the Nomus hit the mind shield. You played Shigaraki's voice in your mind, over and over. The nightmares created his vocal tone vividly.

Stop! Do not interfere! Freeze! you shouted into the Nomus' minds with your memory of Shigaraki's rasping voice. Like a zombified army, they stopped moving.

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