Think: A Villainous Ending

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Warnings: This work contains mild language, blood, death, and violence. If you are easily triggered by violent scenarios, please do not read this chapter. This chapter could be triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

(Ending 6 of 8)

A Villainous Ending

You took All for One's words as an opportunity. You weren't ready for this. You were just a child. What did the Pro Heroes expect you to do? He could kill you without even lifting a finger. You backed up, stumbling over yourself to get away. You wanted to be a hero, but you didn't want to lose your life before even getting a chance to become one.

You tumbled off the back of Gigantomachia, running in the direction of Doku who had still not made the decision to leave or stay. He held a hand out toward you, ready to catch you when you were in arm's reach.

"He's got a knife! Watch yourselves! That's the villain BioVirus!" Deku warned.

Kobura's focus went to him, but Deku was still unable to stand due to his injuries. Just as you were about to meet Kobura's hand, a strand of cables lashed out crushing him where he stood. Shinso came out of nowhere, grabbing you and pulling you away. The knife fell from Kobura's fingertips.

"Wait! Don't! He's only trying to help!" you shouted toward Best Jeanist. "Let him go!"

You struggled in Shinso's grasp, but he'd lifted you from the ground. The binds tightened around Kobura. His eyes widened in panic. You saw venom gurgle up into his mouth. Bubbles of air barely making it out his throat. He struggled, and the cables only grew tighter around him. His face twisted in pain, growing red and then purple in color.

"He can't breathe!" you shouted. "Let him go! He's not our enemy! He was helping!"

"Best Jeanist knows what he's doing. Stop fighting me, Kitten. He's a villain. He should have never showed up here," Shinso assured you.

Doku didn't even have enough air to respond. Watching him struggle like that was too horrifying. You elbowed Shinso in the jaw, scrambling out of his grasp to make it to Doku. They weren't listening to you. No matter how easy or constricting Best Jeanist was being, something was wrong with Doku's quirk. He was drowning in his own viral venom. He couldn't even fight for his case to be released. You took hold of the cables, attempting to pull them away with assistance from your mind quirk. You pulled off some of the rope, but lost grip on others.

"You're killing him!" you shouted. "Let him go!"

Doku's eyes rolled up in the back of his head. Your chest constricted. In a last-ditch effort to get him free, you cut your hands on the special fabric. You snapped three binds. It took four for Doku to be dropped. You put up a mind shield so he wouldn't be grabbed again. You reached for his face, patting his cheek in an attempt to get him to react. You put him on his side and venom emptied out of his parted lips, followed by streams of blood. There were indentations of where the cables had him, they'd gone deep into his skin, leaving behind red welts. How could a Pro Hero have done this? You begged for him to be released and yet Best Jeanist didn't even weaken his hold on him.

"Breathe! Wake up, Doku. You're free," you begged.

Tears burst from your eyes. You continued to shake Kobura, hoping that he would respond to you. His skin was cold under your touch. You pressed your ear to his chest, but you couldn't hear a heartbeat. You rolled him onto his back, beginning CPR. As you pressed the heel of your palm into his chest, wracking sobs escaped you. You pressed your lips to his, trying to breathe life back into him. You weren't sure how long you continued on like this. It could have been minutes or hours that you were doing compressions, but he never woke up.

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