Think: Chapter Forty-Eight: A Little Trouble with a Hero's Debut

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Forty-Eight: A Little Trouble with a Hero's Debut

Fat Gum was so excited to see you and Kirishima again. He'd practically crushed you under a pile of candy and a few collectibles he'd managed to sneak from his office. It was night as the four of you were making your way down the city streets in full hero costumes.

Fat Gum appeared very popular based on the fact several citizens would call him out by name or try to invite him over to their food stands. Fat Gum would always acknowledge their calls to him. Within the span of about five minutes, he'd gotten to know you and Kirishima to the extent of a person that would have known you for years. He was so easy to talk to.

"I have to say, Think, I wish that I'd included more sparkles in my costume like you. If I saw a hero coming down the street with that much pizazz, I wouldn't hesitate to approach you for help." Fat Gum grinned at you, as he finished off his food from one of the nearby stalls.

"T-Thank you. I have to admit though, I didn't just choose this design to come off as approachable. I like glitter more than I should."

Tamaki and Kirishima exchanged a look, considering their less than brightly colored outfits. Tamaki's costume reminded you of the moon, white with purple accents. It appeared necessary for him to have a hood to keep from any prying eyes during his hero work. Tamaki was thoughtful and sweet, but you hadn't seen him in action. To be a part of the Big Three, his personality must somehow shift during combat scenarios. The way that you'd always see him shut down, however, you wondered if he used his nervousness to his advantage.

"Oh, woah! It's Mr. Fat Gum! Look, Kumi! Oh, look at the heroes that he's with too! Their costumes are super cool! She has a pretty braid like you too!" A small boy with a baseball glove and a Fat Gum t-shirt came bounding up to the group of you. He didn't hesitate to point directly at you, making you blush.

"D-don't point, Kotaro. It's rude," the small girl named Kumi said, pushing down his hand.

The two of them looked very young. The boy could have been around four or five, while his sister appeared only a little older. The small boy had a small baseball cap, barely containing his disheveled mess of black hair. He peered up at you with deep brown eyes, curiously tilting his head to the side as he shifted his attention between each member of your group. Kumi was wearing a simple pink dress, her hair was pulled back in a loose French braid, but her brown eyes were shielded by her cut-across bangs. The children's fretful mother rushed up to them nearly out of breath.

"Kotaro, you can't run off like that. You nearly gave your mother a heart attack," she stated. Her eyes trailed up to Fat Gum, and she stiffened in surprise.

Fat Gum crouched down in front of the small boy, giving him a wide smile. "You shouldn't worry your mother by running off like that. Make sure that you apologize."

The boy looked down bashfully. "I'm sorry," he said. He suddenly perked up, remembering his predicament. "Ah, but look! It's Fat Gum!" He held out his shirt, showing it off to the four of you.

"Sorry if we were disturbing you while you were working. Kotaro can get overly excited at times," the mother apologized.

"Oh, it's not a problem at all," Fat Gum said. "Would he like an autograph or..." Fat Gum fished around inside his pockets, pulling out a few pieces of candy. The boy swiped the sweets from his hand once he'd extended them toward him.

You moved through your own utility belt. Your fingers working quickly through your familiar pockets. Kumi was watching you cautiously. You could tell she was a bit nervous to be surrounded by so many strangers. She did seem to stand a bit closer to you though. She might have felt some kind of resemblance to you, considering her brother had pointed out your braid poking out from under your helmet.

Think (MHA x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora