Think: Chapter Fifty-Nine: To Disguise a Pro Hero on a Budget

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My Hero Academia Fan Fiction by Agent ARK 88

Chapter Fifty-Nine: To Disguise a Pro Hero on a Budget

You, Shinso, and Hearts shuffled into the crowded discount clothing store. Garments filled the place from top to the bottom. You were privy to these kinds of places. Just the memory of you going to a shop like this with your mother, sent a shiver through you. The shopkeeper peered up from the magazine he was reading, raising a curious eyebrow, only to mind his own business again. You honestly expected more of a reaction considering that you were all in flashy hero costumes, but you supposed it might have been more common in Japan to see a hero waltz into a store like this.

Shinso looked grumpy. His shoulders were slumped, arms crossed. He kept eyeing the clothes with narrowed eyes. You had an idea that shopping wasn't his favorite thing to do because he'd so easily declined the mall trip with the class.

Hearts moved around the store like she owned the place, pulling down garments on the higher racks and holding them up to herself. You watched her, following her like a lost duckling. While you were observing what items she pulled from the rack, you realized she planned on dressing for a fancy formal occasion.

"These kinds of expenses come out of my own pocket. I like to keep garments on hand when needed. Never know when I can use them. It's not that Endeavor is stingy or anything, it's just a big headache to go through the agency without explaining exactly why I need overalls or a pretty scarf to make myself blend in. I don't mind." Hearts picked another dress that flared at the bottom. "This is one of my favorite places to shop. They carry a lot of designer clothes at a discount."

"What exactly do you expect us to do here?" Shinso asked.

Hearts paused. She tilted her head back, furrowing her eyebrows. "You two will be coming with me on the mission. We need to get you proper attire for it."

"So, the dress code is...?" You looked over the dresses in her hands again. "...for a gala?" you guessed.

You could practically feel Hearts vibrating with energy with your guess. She reached over and grabbed a bowler hat, planting it atop a very irritated Shinso.

"You two will be coming with me on a fancy dinner date." She smiled teasingly.

Your cheeks flushed. "L-like a double date?" you asked.

Hearts turned back to sifting through clothing, pausing for the effect you assumed. "Nope," she said smiling. "I'll be on my own date, and the two of you will be on your own date."

You choked on a noise. It didn't seem very professional for your work-study teacher to be involved in your love life, not that you were that upset she was putting you on a date together. As uninterested as the worker was at your entry, you were also thankful you were all far back in the store and couldn't be heard.

"I'm guessing that we'll be picking up information undetected, while you're talking to your date," Shinso said, clearly more on task than you were.

Hearts pouted. "You're no fun, Mindjack. You could have at least pretended to be embarrassed a little bit."

Shinso shrugged. His violet gaze moved to you, and your face heated up even more.

"I'd be happy to go on a date with Kit—" Shinso cut himself off, clearing his throat. "Think and I are very close. I wouldn't be embarrassed to go on a date with her at all, especially if it's for the mission."

You covered your cheeks. Hearts' pink eyes slid back toward you, winking. You might have fainted if you weren't so used to the teasing by now.

"The men's section is toward the front. You'll need a suit. Something you wouldn't normally wear. Also, a hat would be good to hide your purple hair. We won't mess with wigs or anything for you specifically. You shouldn't be that well-known that it would be a problem yet. As for me, I'll be going all out."

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