Chapter 30

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The quill's tip flourished across the treaty, its incessant scratching the only sound in the apparent vacuum that the very deed created in the throne room. Next molten wax, a creeping entrail red, pooled on the bottom corner before a great seal pressed itself into the hot mass. It pulled away to reveal a crest—a stag's head, its antlers wide-reaching and bared as if ready for battle.

It was done.

Backing away from the table, the sovereigns nodded their thanks as applause began. Advisors, noblemen, and mages all looked on the signing of the accords with Lady Telias' night wights with smiles and unrestrained enthusiastic claps. Some let out hearty halloos, directed at both their sovereigns and also the large number of wights. A few soldiers stood about, a token gesture for those that still felt less than comfortable, but for the most part the guards disregarded their weapons and talked with the wights easily—the raids they had gone on together having made them comrades-at-arms.

Bearing the guise of Lady Telias, Charlan politely clapped, nodding her head toward the queen graciously. The queen returned the gesture. Both women shared a smile.

If this will not draw Lady Kyla out, thought Charlan, neither her hands nor her eyes faltering, I'm not sure what will.

The king raised his hands and immediately the ruckus faded into silence. He turned about, an annoyingly optimistic smile beaming on his face. His hands settled to his sides as the room stilled.

"Today marks a very important step in our fight against the night queen and her forces." King Othrad's voice carried over all present, an easy baritone. "With the signing of these accords we have gained allies determined, as we are, to see peace restored to Haimlant. Too long have we cowered in our homes. Too long have we acted as though the night belonged to monsters. Too long have we allowed our children to believe that this is simply the way of life. Now, with a peaceful nation of night wights to the west, we will be able to at last gift our children and our future posterity something we never thought we could: the night and all its splendor."

Cheers again erupted and Charlan joined in with actual sincerity. With some ink and wax her machinations inched forward once again. With so little effort an entire kingdom moved that much closer to collapse. Truly the smallest actions yielded the greatest results.

Retreating, the king gave his place to his wife. Stepping forward, Queen Brishwyn called for quiet with a small gesture of her hands, like a mother shushing a rowdy child.

"Yes, this is a happy time, a time to rejoice," she said, her voice more subdued. Some scattered claps came in the lacuna that followed. They died quickly. "But let us not forget the price that has been paid by so many that we might now be in this position. The noble house of Domrae has fallen. Many others have died, too many to name. What we do this night is not only for those who will come after us, but also for those that have gone before. No more will our ancestors call out from the Grand Palaces Beyond. No more will their calls go unanswered. What we do this night is for the peace of all who have and will live in Haimlant's bounds."

Again, voices rippled about Charlan, but more somber, angrier. Some even stomped their boots against the polished floor. The queen made no move to leave encouraging those present to once again reign in their reactions.

"This accord did not come easily," said Queen Brishwyn, her features serious but her eyes gleaming. "There were those that opposed it quite vehemently." Her eyes closed with amusement at the thought. "I am happy to say that today's actions have been completely unanimous. In fact, one of the strongest opponents, initially, now has become one of the strongest supporters. Master Elwith, High Mage of Haimlant, has done more to see this treaty signed than anyone. He even petitioned his sovereigns to say a few words. Master Elwith if you would be so kind."

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