23|Last game of the year.

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Maria's Pov

I scrambled around my bedroom, searching for my gripping gloves "Were five minutes late!" Anna yelled as she left the room. Since I was the only one of the Slytherin girls in a first year quidditch team, I started digging around roughly "Bloody Merlin" I mumbled to myself. As I felt around, I came across a leathery object "Yes!" I cheered to myself as I ripped it out of the drawer. I slipped them on and immediately bolted through my dormitories door "Wait!" I yelled as I continued to run down the long staircase.

I started wheezing as I entered the back rooms where the teams ready up "Elston where were you?" my captain asked. I let out a hesitant laugh while I tried to catch my breath "Sorry captain, I couldn't find my gloves" I said, being honest. He sighed and nodded "Well hurry up and get into position" he ordered. I Nodded as I ran to my spot "Don't freak out like the first time alright?" Anna said as she elbowed me. The wooden doors then opened in front of us "HERE IS SLYTHERIN!!" the announcers yelled. My heart was racing as we took off into the quidditch pitch, Slytherin was being more obnoxious then usual. I sighed as we got into our positions, I looked at the Ravenclaw stands, Raina and the other girls were waving. I waved back "Let the games began!" the announcer screamed to the crowd.

I spun and hit the quaffle back into the game, that's when I saw Oliver on the other side of the pitch, looking absolutely devastated. I had to let it brush passed, mainly because we were opposite teams "Elston!" I heard Flint screech. I then came back to current reality "Shit" was all I was able to get out before a bludger came speeding towards my head. I closed my eye's scared for the incoming pain, but it never came "Keep your head in the game you twat" Flint yelled at me. I nodded and started to pay more attention, one of the Gryffindor team members came speeding towards me; pay attention I told myself. I took a deep breath as it came into the contact with my broom, it bounced me back a bit since it was such a strong impact.

The snitch was soon caught, I honestly thought this game was never going to end "Gryffindor has won the Quidditch game!" the announcer yelled. I sighed as we made our way to the ground level to greet each other "Good game" I heard in a snarky tone. I leaned on my broom as I looked up from the ground "Ah, hello Wood" I greeted while holding my hand out. He shook my hand "Congrats, you beat us again" I said a bit hurt but supportive. Wood smiled and nodded "You know, your blocks were really good, you should come over this summer so we can play". I thought about it in my head, but as I was about to agree we were cut off by Flint "What are you doing?" Flint said with a hint of venom. I rolled my eye's "I'm just congratulating Wood on his win" Flint then grabbed my arm harshly "Don't talk to him, he's just trying to get all your good technics". Oliver stood there in astonishment, I knew he wasn't talking to me only for that reason, we are friends. Flint then let go of my arm "Are you dumb? he clearly wasn't trying to get any information from me" I explained while putting my broom away. Flint then crossed his arms "Oh yeah? Why else would he talk to you then?" he asked, I rolled my eye's once more "We're friends, good ones actually so if you would please mind your own business" I was then cut off once again. Flint and I looked up to see Snape standing there, he had that blank expression "And why may I find you two here by the broom closet? May I ask" he said staring at us with this intense glare. I sighed "Flint here is asking me why I was talking to the Gryffindor keeper, and he had accused Oliver of just wanting information." Snape practically ignored me "Whatever the matter, go back to your dorms." he said while turning around and sternly walking away.

I slouched in my seat as I read up on my book of spells, the end of the year was coming to an end and I didn't want to leave, but I knew I had to. This pass school year has definitely something I'd never forget and I was excited to see my mom. As I thought about the past school year, I was dragged back into reality "Oh please you dumb git!" I heard from the entrance of the Slytherin common room. Flint and Jackson seemed to be in a heated argument "Well at least their chaser could actually make goals!" Jack fired into the conversations "You almost could have killed Maria in the game because missed the bloody bludger!" Flint yelled as he pushed by Jack, and making his way towards his dormitory. I held back my laughter, that would only make things worse "Say, those two are always arguing aren't they" Jeremiah whispered to me, I nodded as I tried to get back into my book.

Even though this book was appealing, I couldn't help but listen to the conversations around me. One of them brought back the first day of flying class. When we first attempted to learn how to fly, it was surprisingly quite simple for me, most of the kids had troubles but besides that it was pretty fun. I remember when Anna first tried, she said the word "Up" and it did just that but it flew straight past her head. As I was remembering the beginning of the school year, I started to get tired. It then occurred to me that I had just played a game and could have gotten seriously injured by a bludger. I yawned and Decided I should take a nap "Maria, I was wondering" I heard someone from behind me, I turned around to see no other Jeremiah "What is it Tuga?" his eye's trailed off "Should we stop this weird fake relationship?" he asked. I let out a small laugh "If you think you can handle Merla without needing to lie to her, sure. But it's your choice, it's not like were actually a couple anyhow" I said laughing a bit more.

After our chat I finally was able to make it back to my dormitory, I laid down very slowly taking in my soft mattress. It felt like a cloud, I turned to lay on my left and saw the photo of Oliver and I. I honestly was so memorized by the magical photo's and how they move like it was a film. Slowly I started to drift asleep, I smiled and exhaled "Goodnight Oliver and....me" I said half asleep.

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