3| Magnificent.

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Jeremiahs's Pov

August 31 1988

           I stared at the green light "Remember you start school tomorrow" my mom said while she started driving, I leaned back into my seat "I know, whats the school called again?" I asked. My mom didn't answer for a few seconds, I assumed she was trying to remember "Something Hog. Hogwarts I presume" she said still paying attention to the road. 

       The car stopped outside my dads house "Hey, I love you okay?" my mom said, sounding reassuring "Love you too" I replied back. I then stepped out of the car, my mom surprisingly got out too and hugged me "Make sure to write to me, will you?" she said sounding pleading "Yeah, I know" was all I said. She climbed back into her car and drove off, I turned my attention to my dad's house, it was fairly big but I wasn't surprised since it was a routine to come here everyone once a month. I made my way over to the front door, I stepped on the porch and knocked on the door. I heard the door lock click, the door then swung open to reveal my older brother Jackson "Hey" he said raising his eyebrows in a some how welcoming way. I stepped in and he shut it "Ready for tomorrow?" he asked, I shrugged "I don't know to be honest, what is there to do there?" I asked walking down the hall to our shared room. I opened the door and placed my bag on my bed, my brother then entered the room "You can try out for quidditch if you want" he said plopping onto his bed "Actually never mind first years don't usually get picked because its hard, you can your second year" I sat on my bed "You should start packing though, we have to leave in..." he then looked at the clock "10 hours". I sighed and walked over to my closet to grab my trunk, I opened the closet to see it not inside "Where's my trunk?" I asked peeking at him over my shoulder, he shrugged "Dad may have taken it, check his room, he wont be home for a couple hours I think" he said still paying attention to his book. 

        I groaned in annoyance moving things in my dads closet, there was still no trunk, I sighed in defeat and stood up about to leave when something caught my eye. I walked over to it and moved the clothes off of it, it was a small case. I clipped the clips up and opened it, I stared at the thing inside, it was just a stick. I picked it up and started to examine it "What are you doing?" I was then caught off guard by a stern tone, I turned to the door to see my dad "Oh. Hi dad, sorry I just saw this sitting here and-" my dad then cut me off "Its fine, I just wanted to know why you were in here in the first place" he said putting his briefcase by his bed. I put it back into the case and closed it "I was just looking for my trunk so I can pack" I said facing him, he nodded "I think its in the closet in the hallway, but it may be wrong, did you check under your bed?" he questioned. I can't believe I didn't check under my bed, I then walked out and walked towards my room, I opened the door and got on the floor. Underneath the bed I saw my trunk, I mentally face palmed feeling really dumb, I grabbed the handle and pulled it out. I opened the trunk and there was nothing inside as I expected "Dad wants us up by six so we can go to diagon alley to get your supplies" Jack said turning so he didn't face me and faced his wall instead. 

        "Mia" I heard "JEREMIAH" I heard again, I opened my eyes to see Jack, he shook my shoulders "Good, get ready hurry up" he then walked out of the room. I sat up and yawned, I didn't understand what was going on, I then looked over to my clock, it was five fifty "Brilliant" I said getting off my bed and making my way towards my dresser and picking out some clothes. I picked out a pair of black jeans and a flannel "Jeremiah!" I heard my dad, I then slipped my shoes on and ran out of my room.

      We arrived to what I assumed was diagon alley, I stared at my surroundings, it was amazing "Is this...?" my brother nodded "Yeah, this is diagon alley" my dad said, instead of Jack. We walked down the crowded alley, unsurprisingly I didn't recognize anyone "Hmm, I think the longest wait would be your uniform and books, we should get your uniform first" my dad said looking down at the piece of parchment paper. 

        I entered the robes shop, there was a girl sitting in one of the seats against the wall, I looked at to see if I for some reason knew her, obviously I didn't. I made my way towards the lady that was currently making a plain robe "Hello deary" she said while the robe was still being stitched together with magic. I told her that I was here to pick up my robe and she nodded walking in the back room, the main door opened revealing my older brother "Oi, dads gonna get your books" he said notifying me. I nodded at him, I then saw in my peripheral vision the girl walking up to me, I moved over so we wouldn't make contact even on accident. The lady then came out from the back with a robe "Here you are deary" she said handing it to me, the girl looked at my robe with interest "Excuse me." I said sounding a bit more rude then I intended, she looked at me with a frown. I then walked passed her and made my way towards the door, outside stood my brother, he was leaning against the wall.

Jackson's Pov 

      I watched as a bunch of cute girls walked by "Oh, sorry" a girl said bumping into me as she walked out of the robe shop "No worries" I said paying my attention back to the cute girls. I saw the girl walk passed me and towards the wand shop, I then scanned the area looking for my dad, he wasn't in sight but I wasn't surprised. The shop door then opened again, this time it was my brother, he looked irritated "Who pissed in your cheerios?" I teased "That girl ran in front of me" was all he said before shutting the stores door. I got off the wall "Hey so we need to go find dad, he should be back by now but I guess hes still ordering your books" I said as I began walking down an alley. Jeremiah trailed behind me, I continued to walk down the alley till we came up to the book shop "Say, Jack, how come I don't just use your old robes and books?" he asked. I let out a little laugh "After my first year I burned them" I answered sounding a bit proud "Oh, stupid" he said in with a bit of annoyance in his voice. 

       We entered the shop, our dad was standing at the counter with a stack of books, we walked up to him "Hey" I said leaning on the counter. My dad glanced at me and gave me a nod, I nodded back "How much longer?" I asked in a bored tone. He sighed himself "Couple minutes, hes grabbing the last book" I nodded once again "Okay" I said. 

      I pushed my cart holding all my stuff including me trunk, the train was leaving in less then ten minutes "Hurry Jeremiah, we're already late" I said picking up my speed. We made it to the wall, I ran through and started to make my way towards the loading dock, there was a couple trunks left by the time I got there "You're just in time" the man said. I left my cart there, I turned around to see Jeremiah slowly making his way towards me, I waved him over, he started running. He then stopped next to me "You two better hurry on board" the guy said loading our stuff on the train, I nodded and started running as fast I could. We hopped on board, the door shut behind us and locked, I continued to walk down the hall in my slytherin robes. I got a couple glares but I never let it bother me, I felt a little push behind me so I peeked over my shoulder "Aye, what in the bloody hell are you doing?" I said a little above a whisper. To my surprise behind me wasn't Jeremiah, instead it was a short girl, she apologized and went around me. I let it go, knowing it was an accident, Jeremiah then appeared into view "Where were you?" I asked a little aggravated "My robe got stuck in the door so I had to tug on it for a while" he said with an apologetic tone.

      It took a while to search for an open car, but we soon found one, I opened realizing it wasn't empty, inside sat an older girl with curly hair and a younger girl, maybe a first year sitting across from her. They both looked up at us a bit startled "Sorry, all the other cars are full, is it alright if we join you two?" I asked, hoping they'd oblige. The older girl nodded in agreement a few seconds after my question, I sighed in relief and stepped inside, Jeremiah following behind me.    

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