15| Inconvenience.

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Raina's Pov

Decmeber 31st 1988, before the train arrived to Hogwarts.

I sighed as I boarded the train, I held onto my carry on feeling exhausted, I entered an empty cart, I sat down closing my eye's. The door then opened "Hello, sorry to bother you, but may I sit in here with you?" I heard a girl ask, I opened my eye's and saw a petite girl "Yeah, that's alright" I said sitting up straight. Behind her followed another girl, it was the girl I jumped in to help with her little fight issue "Oh hey" I said, she looked at me and smiled "Oh hey!" she replied sitting next to the other girl, I assumed her friend.

After a while, the three of us eventually stopped chatting, the train continued to move and the ride was very calming. The cart door then opened, a girl stepped in, I recognized it to be Odalys "Oh, hello Odalys" I greeted her. She then closed the door and looked at me a big shocked, I guess to seeing me, after she realized who I was she eased up and nodded to me. She then sat by me, she didn't greet the other two but I wasn't surprised, I found it a bit odd that she was being somewhat nice to me considering our last encounters. I decided to ignore it, because maybe she was trying to turn the other cheek, I leaned back into my seat closing my eye's.

"Shit." I heard, as I slowly woke up, I looked around to see the girls picking something up, I yawned and tried to see what they were doing. Maria then sat up real fast "Got it!" she squeal, I whined a little from her sudden out burst. In Maria's hands was a pygmy puff, I examined the little fella "Who's is that?" I asked while scratching my arm. They all looked at me, a bit surprised I was awake "Oh, someone's Pygmy puff we don't know, it must have crawled in earlier" Maria answered while looking back at the small creature. I looked at it once more "Maybe we should go find who it belongs to" I said suggestion. Maria nodded and stood up "I'll come" her friend Anna said, I watched as they walked out of the cart compartment. Odalys then stood up as well "I'm going to go look for my slytherin friend" she said before stepping out. I sighed and looked back out the window seeing that we were approaching the viaduct near Hogwarts. The door then opened, I didn't look assuming it was just Maria and Anna coming back. The seat across from me was then filled, I looked over to see not Maria and Anna but a short asian boy. He didn't seem to be a threat, but he did seem a little suspicious "I have a letter for you" he said with a monotone voice. He then handed me a piece of parchment paper that was rolled up with a ribbon, tied into a bow, insuring it was secure. I grabbed it and thanked him, he nodded and left the compartment. The door then opened again, I looked up this time, but it was just Maria "You okay?" she asked closing the door behind her. I nodded and looked back at the small parchment paper "Whats that?" she asked while sitting next to me. I undid the ribbon "I'm not sure, a boy came in with it, I think he was a gryffindor" I said slowly rolling it out. Maria stared at with the same interest as I did, the parchment read

  Dear Rease,
      Watch your back.

Maria and I stared at the words confused. Maria then spoke up "What is that supposed to mean?" She then looked at me "I don't know" was all I could honestly say. Maria then stood up "What did the kid look like?" She asked, I tried my hardest to remember "He's asian, kind of tall but not that much taller then me, and he wears glasses" she nodded "I know who you're talking about" she then exited the room without another word.

       It has been a while since the girls left, I wonder where Anna went, but I just assumed she found another cart. I looked outside the window seeing us stop, we had made it Hogwarts and Maria hasn't come back to the cart. I stood up and grabbed my carry ons, I opened the door before the waves of kids could get by me. I then walked out, making my way towards the door "Ow let go!" I heard behind me as I stepped off. I turned around to see Maria and Anna, Maria was holding someone by their collar "Shut it" she mumbled. Anna stood next to me with her expressionless face, as if this was a norm for her, Maria then threw the back in front of her towards me. "Is this him?" She asked, I examined him carefully, realize it was indeed him, so I just simply nodded. Anna scoffed "Heard he gave you a little parchment paper saying 'Watch your back' is that true?" She asked while glaring at the boy. I was a bit surprised to see how they were acting, I thought they were sweet girls, guess slytherin might as well suit them well. I nodded again, answering Anna "So who told you to give that to her?" Maria then asked, he rolled his eyes "like I'd tell you" was all he said, Anna then pulled her wand out pointing it at his neck "Okay!" He then gave in. Maria pushes Anna's arm down slowly "Spill" Maria said staring him dead in the eyes. He let out a big sigh "Okay, okay, his name is Cusieque" he said putting his hands up in a surrender way. It was noticeable that none of us, except the boy new who that was, it was obvious by our expression. He rolled his eyes "Jeremiah's friend, he has curly hair, he's y'all, in slyth-"  "We know who he is" Maria said while cutting him off. The boy then scoffed, Anna then drew her wand to him again, making him regret the attitude change "Please don't hurt me" he said sounding genuinely scared. Anna glared at him "Where is he now?" Anna asked him "I-I don't know probably on his way to the carriages" he said as Anna pushed her wand on his neck. I watched as Maria gave her friend a stern look, Anna once again dropping the wand but not putting it away "What's your name?" I asked butting in, they all looked at me, the two girls just watching while he stared intensely. He seemed hesitant but soon spoke up

"Vaenkee, Vaenkee Loar" he replied

I eased my shoulders, I know that name "How is I your family is all ravenclaw and your in" I examined his robes once more "Gryffindor" I finished. He just shrugged "Like I'd bloody know, it's none of your business anyway" he said a bit rude, I guess it was kind of personal.

Eventually we let the Vaenkee kid go, since we got all the info we could at the moment. Maria wasn't having it and I honestly don't know why she was making it a bigger deal then it needed to be, but I assume she has her reasons. We entered the great hall, I waved goodbye to my fellow new friends and made my way over to the Ravenclaw table, there sat Kaitlin, she was sitting by herself. "Hey" I said awfully cheery, taking a seat next to her "Raina!" She said hugging my arm. I let out a small chuckle "I missed you too haha, sorry I didn't write to you or Karina I was very busy" I then peered around seeing karina wasn't in sight "Say, where is the little nerd?" I asked. Kaitlin gave me a hesitant look "Right, so don't freak out, but have you heard of the prisoner that broke out of Azkaban?" She asked looking at me a bit concerned "No I haven't heard about it" I answered honestly. She let out a sigh "His name is Scar Cipher, he's a very powerful Wizard he can shape shift into anything, even a person" she said sounding a bit scared, I stared off in the distance, taking in the new information. She then closed the book that was in front of her "Anyway, while Karina and I went flying for some fun, she flew a bit to high and one of the Dementors got her, she's been out since this morning" she said while getting up.

We entered the hospital wing, we made our way over to our sleeping friend "Oh god" I mumbled taking in the sight of my dear friend. I took a seat next to her, seeing her breathe lifted some stress off my shoulders "They said she was going to be fine and not to worry about it, but honestly I don't know how to feel about it. It just seems so off" Kaitlin said sitting in the other seat beside her bed. I nodded, it was quite odd to see her like this, Madam Pomfrey then came back in "We have something for her to take but it won't start to take effect for another day though" she said while placing a glass of clear liquid. I stared at the liquid "What is that exactly? Madam Pomfrey?" I asked still looking at the liquid, she looked hesitant "Technically I'm not supposed to mention anything to you, but I know you're very close to her" she then took a deep breath "This potion is called the wideye potion, it wakes up people that have a concussion. For example, your dear friend has one" she gestured to Karina. Kaitlin and I nodded, understanding "Is she going to be alright?" I asked "Of course, she'll be up in no time" she said with confidence. Kaitlin and I shared a glance, not feeling assured as much as we hoped "You two look exhausted, maybe try and get some rest, I'll watch over dear Karina" she said. We both nodded and got up to exit the room, we walked down the hallway 'I hope this works' I thought as we entered the ravenclaw common room.

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