9| Bloody Hell.

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Logan's Pov

         I sat at the dining table "Morning slugger" I said to Oliver as he walked up to me, he nodded to me and sat down "Morning, are you going home today?" he asked, I shook my head "No, but my sister is" I said taking a drink of my water. Oliver then gave me an odd look "Why not you too?" I shrugged "Quidditch practice" was all I said, Oliver nodded dropping the topic "Well I'm going home after breakfast, so I got to eat fast since I forgot to pack" he said quickly eating.

         "Shut it!" I heard as I entered the Gryffindor common room, I was then stopped by Oliver "Don't walk in, theres something going on with 'the couple' again" He said standing next to me. I nodded and stayed back with him "I guess they got into another fight over something stupid, he was hanging out with that Presley Alley girl, you know the first year" Oliver told me, I only nodded. All of the sudden Alice Beams, the girl who told her boyfriend to shut it, stormed passed us with her trunk and stuff "Excuse me" she said bumping our shoulders. As expected, her boyfriend Aj stormed passed us "Alice please" he said politely pushing passed us. Oliver and I then walked through the common room and up to our shared room "Say, do you fancy anyone?" Oliver asked giving me a teasing look. I shrugged "Not really I kind of fancy a boy on the quidditch team" Oliver nodded "Name?" he asked smiling at me "His names Jaden Arendew" Oliver gave me a surprised look "Jaden? He's fairly quiet, have you talked to him before?" he asked putting his trunk on top of his bed. I shook my head "No, i'm not to good at conversation" Oliver sat on his bed "Oh, I can help you im friends with the quidditch captain" I nodded "Roger Davies?" I asked, he only nodded. 

         "We've got to leave soon!" I yelled at Oliver knowing he wouldn't listen, we made it to the quidditch pitch "Logan you're going to do this lad, no friend of mine is going to sit in the corner and ignore his feelings" Oliver continued to pop off. I then stopped in my tracks, causing Oliver to jolt forward "Come on, you can do this" he said crossing his arms, I shook my head "No Oliver, i'll do it another time when its better timed and planned out" I explained turning around and walking back towards the castle. I heard Oliver sigh but follow me "Alright I understand" he said smiling at me as we walked back to the castle.

Jeremiah's Pov

         I walked down the steps into the slytherin common room, there were a couple people lounging in the chairs, I then heard giggling from a group of girls sitting at a table. I turned my attention to them, they then looked away from me and continued to whisper to each other, I just rolled my eye's and made my way towards them. The girl in front seemed to get scared "H-Hi Jeremiah" she said smiling at me, I sighed "Hello Merla" she fluttered her eye's at me with her fake smile. "What are you girls talking about?" I asked crossing my arms and cocking my head to the side "Just, uh, School and-" "Liar" I cut her off, she looked at me concerned and a bit scared "I heard you say my name" I said glaring at her. Merla just stared at the ground "Now what did you say?" I asked looking not only at her but her friends, they all ignored me but one "We were just discussing how how you got in trouble.." she said sounding unsure. I nodded "Huh, okay" I then found myself very uninterested "Remember I hear everything" I said turning around, leaving them speechless. 

         "Watch it" I heard a girls say as I passed her, there was a small part of me that wanted to turn around and push them, but I didn't have time for this. I turned down the hall seeing my friends, Cusieque and Calvin, I sighed and approached them. They gave me small smiles "Hey" was all I said while they nodded to me in a greeting way. "Hi Cusieque!" a short girl with straight light brown hair said "Hello Anabel." Cusieque said with a monotone voice. I chuckled to myself, she didn't seem to be phased though "How was your day? Oh! I baked you some cookies" she was way to excited and it was starting to irritate me. Calvin then stepped in "I think you should come back later Anabel" Calvin said with one of the most fake smiles I've ever seen him do in a while "Oh, okay" she said sounding a bit disappointed. Calvin started to walk Anabel away "Bloody hell she's annoying" Cusieque said while biting into one of the cookies she made "Chocolate chip" was all he said before shoving the box towards me and offered me one. I shook my head, declining "So whats been happening with you lately? Besides last nights issue" he said still eating his cookie "Nothing really, I still can't believe our prefects actually believe my lie about checking on the girls" I said leaning on the wall "Right, I was sure we were about to die right then and there" Cusieque said closing the box of cookies. 

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