22|Happy birthday.

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Rainas Pov

The room was bumping, jumping really "Having fun?!" Karina asked me as she danced next to me. I smiled as I danced next to her "Yeah! I can't believe their 12 now!" I answered back as I we continued to dance. The party was very loud, it shocked me that they were allowed to play it this loud "Silence!" I heard in a somewhat angered, yet calm voice. The music then stopped, abruptly actually "Please silence!" It was professor McGonagall. She put her arms down, staring at all of us "Thank you, please turn the music down, and please don't get into trouble" she announced. I covered my mouth, trying very hard to hold back the laughter. The music then turned off and most the kids continued to dance "We probably should get going, we've got to prep for our charms, Potions, transfigurations, and history of magic." Karina suggested. I nodded agreeing "We should at least wish them happy birthday" I said as I started to move through the crowd of pre-teens. Karina railed begins, o let a few inches from me "Maria! Anna!" I yelled as I found; quite fast really. The birthday girls turned around excited, Maria hugged me-jumping at me really. Karina giggles at this action as she hugged Anna "We've got to get going before we forget about studies!" Karina yelled a little louder then expected. The two nodded "It's cool! Thank you for showing up" Anna said as she took a sip of her punch.

          Karina and I started to make our way through the not so empty corridor "Hey, did you ever get to hang out with Jenni on Valentine's Day?" Karina asked me. I chuckled "No, you were right about her, she doesn't really like girls" I sighed, I should have known.

We had finally made it to the Ravenclaw common room, it was pretty quiet, but that's just the usual. Karina Laid down on the long blue couch "Man, all that dancing made me exhausted" She said. I laughed a bit "I'll grab the books" I said as I climbed the steep stairs "Okay!" She answered. I entered our dormitory, inside Kaity was sitting on her bed seeming happy about something. We greeted each other and I went over to my nightstand "Okay, I gotta tell you something" Kaity said while grabbing her pompoms "Yeah? What's up?" I answered as I stuffed books into my bag. She walked over to me and took a seat on my bed, I shoved the last text book on potions in my book bag; securing it by clipping the buttons together. Kaity took a deep breath, I turned to face her as I was still on the stone floor "So, I got an owl from my mom and dad back at home" I nodded and she continued "And I got into the summer program for young witches and wizards!!" She practically squealed. I stood up as she jumped up to hug me, I hugged her back laughing a bit "Congratulations! That's great!" I said while spinning her around.

I heard the disastrous groan escape Karinas mouth "Finally, I'm finished" she said as she threw her body back; hitting the back of the seat. I sighed and leaned back as well "Agreed, if we took longer I probably strangled something" I said not being to serious. We had been studying for about two hours straight, making sure to get ever detail and notes we could. Karina was half asleep just about and it was only four in the evening, I decided it was best if I went for a small stroll around the castle to relax.

Maria's Pov

I yawned as I helped the Slytherin students clean up the common room "That was definitely a great birthday party" I said as I threw some trash away. Anna agreed with me by simply nodding "By the way, did you see Oliver? I didn't see him around" I asked. Anna shrugged "I think he said he couldn't make it to the party, but he got you a gift" she explained, I nodded "Do you know where it is?" I asked as I fixed up the furniture. Anna stopped and wiped her hands on her pants "It might be in our room but maybe not, you should go find him and ask him yourself" she said while delivering me a smile.

I brushed a strand of my hair over my shoulder, trying to straighten myself out "Hey!" I heard a thick Scottish accent call out. I peered around the corridor not seeing that certain someone I wanted to see "Maria!" I heard. I knew they were yelling for me now, I turned around to only be startled, there in front of me was Percy; not who I was expecting. He looked just as puzzled as I did "So sorry" I apologized as I looked passed him "Oliver got drag by his team before he got to chat" he explained. I nodded "Was he calling me?" I asked, he nodded back at me "Indeed. Anyhow, I assume you came to find him because you heard of a present?" He asked, I was surprised he knew "Oh, yes actually how'd you know?" I asked him, feeling stupid for some reason. He then snickered "He said to give  you this" Percy then dug into his pockets. In his hand, he pulled out a small red box "He said he thinks you'd like this" Percy said as he placed the small box into my hand. With no words, he just turned and left, I stared down at the box as time flew by Kind of slowly.

            I stared at the red velvet box, I was very excited to see what was inside "Just open it" I told myself as I took the top off. Inside was a picture frame, a smile rolled onto my face as I stared down at the live photo of Oliver and I. The picture was taken on Valentines day, I didn't have a date and Raina suddenly came down with a cold. I let out a small giggle to myself as I placed the live photo on my nightstand "That's cute" Anna said as she stared at the live picture of Oliver and I laughing and sitting by the Black lake. Anna then picked up the photo, the two young kids waved at Anna "These photos weird me out sometimes" she said as she put the photo back down. I scoffed, in a joking way "Hopefully it passes because this isn't going anywhere" she stared at me with this bored, uninterested expression "Bitch" she said as she grabbed my pillow and wacked me across the head.

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