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Raina's Pov

I walked into the kitchen feeling awfully tired, I sat at the table leaning on my palm, surprisingly no one else was in the kitchen. I yawned and walked over to the fridge and opened it, all of a sudden my older brother came running out in a hurry "Raina!" he yelled "What" I said still in my sleepy state "Why are you just standing there?!" he questioned me. I was very confused, I walked over to the calendar and realizing what day it was "OH" I yelled running to my room. I pulled out the trunk from under my bed, it was surprisingly already full of everything I needed "Right" I said to myself, remembering I packed in advance. I opened my closet and quickly changed, I put on a pair of high waist jeans and hoodie. I tied my converse and started to drag my trunk out my room, my dad then came out of his room and saw me struggling, he flicked his wand towards my trunk and it began floating "Thanks dad" I thanked him.

The trunk floated into the back of our station wagon, I shut the door and made my way to the back seats, the two of my older siblings were already sitting inside waiting for me "Hogwarts here we come".

We pulled up in the parking lot, both my parents rushed inside to grab carts to help with our trunks, I held onto my pet owl that was in a cage. My parents came speeding out with two carts "Raina deary they only had two carts left, we'll have to carry your stuff in" my mom said opening the back and loading my siblings trunks on the two carts.

My dad and I carried my trunk through the crowds of people, everyone was socializing, a couple apologizing for bumping into us. My older brother and sister had already went through the wall portal, my dad and I walked through, it wasn't that much of a problem except for the fact we had to walk through crowds of sad parents and excited kids. We continued walking over to the loading section, I dropped my trunk next to everyone else's, I sighed in relief "Well, this is goodbye" my dad said, I looked at him confused "We have 15 minutes till the train takes off" I said very confused "I know, but I have to get out of here before all the other parents want to leave at the same time" I nodded understanding. I watched as he walked back through the wall, I walked over to one of the train cart entrances. I stepped inside and started to make my way down the halls, looking for an open cart, I then came across one but it wasn't empty like I hoped "May I sit here?" I asked, she looked at me and nodded. I took a seat across from her, she continued to read her book and payed no attention to me "So...Whats your name?" I asked, she looked up from her book "Oh. So sorry, my name is Deanna, Deanna Harrus" she said, I smiled and nodded "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Raina Rease and its my first year" I added. She gave me a small nod "Ah okay, i'm in my last year" she said, I nodded and smiled "Oh okay, any suggestions for the years?" I questioned, she looked around the room, seeming as though she was thinking. "Definitely don't let your homework pile up, I learned that the hard way" she said letting out a small chuckle "Okay anything else?" I asked in a calm tone, she smiled again "Um, don't get in trouble and don't go to any of the places they warm not to go" she said while looking down at her book.

The train started to move all of a sudden, it caused a jolt, I let a squeak causing unwanted attention from Deanna, she let out a small chuckle "It'll do that a couple time if the weather isn't good" she commented. I leaned back in the chair, I pulled out my book and started reading it, the room then was filled with a sudden silence, it was a bit unsettling but then it really wasn't. All of a sudden, the door opened, revealing an elderly lady pushing a trolley, I stared at all the goodies that were placed on the cart "Anything form the trolley dearies?" she questioned, I watched as Deanna handed her a coin and asked for a cauldron cake. The lady then smiled and handed her the cake while also taking the coin "And you deary?" the lady asked me, I froze for a second, I then reached into my pocket and handed her a coin "Uh...Um...Can I please have a Pumpkin cake?" I asked more as a question then a statement. She took my coin and handed me a pumpkin cake, she then shut the door and left with a smile.

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