18| Astonished.

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Maria's Pov

          I glimpsed out the window, seeing as merpeople and all types of other creatures swim by "Hey, How come I didn't see you at practice?" Anna asked as she placed her pompoms on her nightstand. I looked over at her with a half smile "Captain said I didn't have to go today" I said truthfully, Anna nodded "Okay, Bullshit, why were you really not there?" she asked as I got off the windowsill. I shrugged "Really, Madam Hooch said I didn't have to go" I said trying to convince her, she sighed and shrugged as well "Whatever" she said while changing her clothes.

I took a deep breath before entering the Raven claw common room, it had been a couple months since the love potion issue. Although it had worn off a long time ago he still kept that lie that we were a couple and it seemed to still be working, Merla is very stupid in my opinion. I started to make my way up the staircase that led to the dorms, I was about to turn down the girls hallway but was stopped by someone grabbing my shoulder. I looked behind me to see a prefect "What is your business Slytherin?" he asked as he let me out of his grip, I shrugged "I came to see a friend" I said truthfully. He stared at me before clearing his throat "Very well, but if I catch you doing any funny business you're out" he then left it at that and continued his way out.

I continued my way towards my fellow friends dormitory, luckily in my favor she was with Kaity and Karina studying for their exams. I knocked on the young girls door, it swung open to reveal all three girls, including Odalys. Raina opened the door wider to let me in, I entered through the door and approached the two other girls. Kaity gave me a greeting smile as she scooted over to let me sit by her on her bed "How's studying going?" I asked while adjusting in my space. Karina rolled her eye's "These two wont sit down and study without getting sidetracked" she slightly complained, I let out a small laugh "Im sorry that muggle studies doesn't interest me" Kaity said in a humorous sassy tone. We all let out a little laugh "Anyway, I think were done studying for now, what do you guys want to do?" Karina said putting her books away.

Raina's Pov

We entered the great hall laughing, we didn't have a care in the world how obnoxious we must have been "I can't believe this school years almost over" I said while taking a seat. The rest agreed "Right, I can't believe i'm not failing right now" Karina said while sitting across from me and Maria. The four of us continued to chat, Anna soon joined us and we started teasing and making jokes about each other. Everything was going great, that was until there was a shriek in the castle, everyone stopped what they were doing and glanced around looking for the source of noise "What was that?" Maria asked starting to breath heavily. I didn't answer her, I looked around hoping to find the person who made the noise. Everything started to go back to normal, until there was another shriek, at this point some of the staff started to reassure students things were perfectly fine and also trying to find the source of the scream. I glanced towards the end of table seeing Odalys, she didn't seem to bothered all that much by the shrieks though, I found it suspicious but didn't let it bother me.

I entered my shared dormitory to see Odalys, I didn't greet her because I wasn't in the mood for a short conversation. The other four girls I was with decided to go to the Black lake to get some fresh air before exams, but I wanted to get some extra studying in before the test. I took a seat on my bed, pulling out my muggle studies book, before I even started working I got an odd feeling of wrong. I couldn't put my finger on it, it felt like something was here with me that wasn't supposed to be here. I looked up at Odalys, she was staring at me with a very intense gaze, I gave her a small smile before looking away and decided I wasn't comfortable enough to study anymore. I slipped my book into my desk again and was about to leave, but she spoke "Where are you going?" she asked, I stopped in my tracks and turned towards her "Oh, I thought I'd go catch up with the girls before dinner" I said only half telling the truth. Odalys just stared at me with no emotion but then laughed "Okay" she said changing her emotions out of the blue, I let out an awkward laugh as I left the room.

I soon found the girls, they were in the middle court instead of the black lake "Hey" I said while sitting next to Anna. They all greeted me "I thought you were going to study" Kaity said while adjusting her skirt "Right, I was going to but I just didn't feel like it" I said lying. Everyone seemed to by it, luckily they didn't ask more questions "So what do you guys want to do for my birthday?" Anna asked while leaning back in the grass. The girls started to spit out ideas, I just sat back enjoying the calmness I was feeling from being out in the outdoors. Finally I could just relax and not worry about anything but tests, which are easy on my part "Valentines day is coming up, anyone have a Valentine?" Maria asked wiggling her eyebrows. This topic took me out of my dreamy state, everyone shook there heads, disagreeing with what she said. I smiled and nodded, everyone turned their attention towards me "WHO??" they asked, I avoided eye contact laughing a bit "A girl named Jenni" I said confidently. Some of them seemed surprised "The exchange student??" Kaity asked while pushing her glasses up, I nodded feeling happy. The girls congratulated me, except for Karina, she seemed off "What?" I asked, she seemed hesitant. I was assuming the worst from her, maybe she was a homophobe "I don't think you're going to like what I have to say" she said sighing. I slowly nodded "I'll tell you later" she said while awkwardly laying down in the grass.

The three of us entered the dormitory, it was passed dinner by now and it was almost curfew "Man i'm beat, I still can't believe you ate all that chicken Raina" Kaity said laughing a bit. I let out a small laugh as well, agreeing with her "I'm just surprised as you are trust me" I said while changing into my pajamas. I watched Karina start to change into her pajamas as well, I wasn't paying attention to that though, instead I paid attention to how weird she was still being. At this point I couldn't hold back anymore "Karina, a word?" I said while slipping on my slippers, she nodded and put on her slippers as well. We entered the hallway, we stood there for a second waiting for some of the passerbys to get to their dorms. Karina and I smiled at some of them hoping they'd hurry along, soon they left and were out of earshot "Whats up with you?" I asked, she avoided eye contact "You've been acting weird since I said I had a valentine, a GIRL valentine" I said. She sighed and finally looked up at me "If this conversation is assuming im a homophobe, I'm not, I didn't want to say anything in front of all our friends because the other day I saw Jenni kissing a boy in the second floor bathroom" she said while rubbing the back of her neck. I stood there baffled, I was lost for words "You could have said it in front of our friends, it's not a big-" she then cut me off "Sure it wasn't to you, but it seemed so embarrassing, especially because you were so excited". I nodded understanding her reasons, I hugged her feeling greatful "I'm sorry I assumed" I apologized, she laughed a bit "It's fine" she said letting go "Now, lets get some sleep, we have a test tomorrow" Karina said while entering our room.

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