8| Christmas Break.

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December 19th 1988

Maria's Pov

       "Class dismissed" professor McGonagall said as she closed her book, I stood up and walked towards the door "Don't forget your quill Ms. Elston" she called out to me. I turned around "Right, sorry" I said picking up my quill. I exited the classroom, I couldn't believe it's been three months since the school year started. I then bumped into someone "Oh im sorry" I apologized while walking to my next class "Watch it" the person said in a rude tone. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see no other then Jeremiah, I definitely had nothing against the lad, but he always got on my nerves with the teasing and the name calling.  He rolled his eyes "Mudbloods" was all he said before walking away "What did you call me?" I said a bit louder then I anticipated. Jeremiah turned around and gave me one of the ugliest stares "I don't have time to talk to mudbloods" he said turning back around and out of sights. 

         I stormed into my dormitory  ignoring the stares of my fellow roommates. I took a seat on my bed and put my face into my hands taking a deep breath, I then felt a hand on my shoulder "What happened?" she asked, I looked up at her a bit surprised. A small tear fell from eye, I wiped it and let out a chuckle "Nothing, its just Jeremiah called me a 'mudblood' again" Anna looked at me with an annoyed expression, not annoyed with me but with Jeremiah. Anna then got up, she walked over to her bed and picked up her wand "I'm going to make sure this bloody bastard leaves you alone" she then stormed out. I sat there shocked for a bit, I then took off after her, sure I wanted him to leave me alone but I didn't want her to get hurt in the process.  I made it to the common to see her marching up to him "Anna!" I yelled, she seemed to ignore me. Shania and Mary-Lynn followed me not to far behind, before I could make my way down the stairs fully she was already up to him with her want at his neck. The three of us stopped behind her "You've got some nerve!" Anna yelled at his tall figure, I was about to run and grab her, having a bad feeling about this. Jeremiah and his goons smiled at us, but it was a kind one, I grabbed her shoulder "Anna..." I whispered to her. Jeremiah then let out a little laugh "Honestly..." he then wacks her wand away from his neck "I wanna hear what she has to say" his goons, or better known as friends, gave each other a look and shook their heads. Anna stepped back and stood by me "Really, I want to know what I did that was so wrong" he said sounding like he was innocent. Anna was about to pop off, but I grabbed her arm and dragged her out into the hallway way, out of the common room. Anna groaned in annoyance "You should have let me at him, he's a bloody bastard, he would have deserved it" she said putting her wand in her pocket. I sighed and looked at her "He could have put a hex on you if you weren't careful" I reminded her, she sighed as well not realizing the consequences completely. 

       Dinner soon came along, we entered the great hall, Anna next to me while Shania and Mary-Lynn trailed behind us. We took our seats at the slytherin table feeling exhausted "Are you girls excited for the quidditch games coming up after break?" I asked leaning on the table, Shania nodded "Yes, very, did you see that guy Percy Weasley I fancy him a bit" Shania said, clearly daydreaming. I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit "Wasn't he the boy who was reported for falling into a cauldron?" I asked taking a sip of my water. Shania be came a light crimson "Yes..." I snickered "Ouuu you like a gryffindor?" I teased, she just crossed her arms and looked away "Yeah, so what" obviously playing with my small joke. We all laughed it off, knowing she fancied a Weasley "Hey" I heard from behind me, I looked behind me to see Oliver Wood "Oh. Hello Wood". He then took between Anna and me, other students around me just started either surprised or with glares. He didn't seem to mind it "I heard someone talking about Percy Weasley?" I immediately looked at Shania with a smirk, she mentally seemed to facepalm and avoided eye contact from anyone. He just stared at me with a stupid smile "Uh, yes you did, we were just talking about how smart he is and how were sure he'll be a prefect some day" Anna butted in, he gave us an unsure smile and nodded "Sure, anyway just curious, see you girls around" he then got up and started heading over to his table, but not before turning around and waving at us. 

        We entered our room "What time does the train leave?" Mary-Lynn asked pulling her trunk out "I believe 11 am" Shania said pulling her trunk out too. We all continued to pack, I stuffed my clothes into my backpack and normal necessities, like my tooth brush and hair brush. I yawned and laid on my bed feeling kind of exhausted "Maria" Anna said "Yeah?" I said putting my hands under my head. Anna walked over to me "Wanna sneak out?" she said with a hint of mischief in her voice "I'm down" I said getting up and slipping on my slippers. We were making our way towards the doorway "Can we come?" Shania said, meaning her and Mary-Lynn. I nodded "Of course" I then opened the door to peek out into the hall, I saw no one "Come on".

       "What if we get caught?" Mary said with a tint of fear in her voice "Don't worry about it we can just hide" Shania said shrugging not caring to much. We made it to black lake "Is it true there are merpeople in there?" Mary asked, I nodded to her, she seemed to get a bit excited "But I wouldn't wanna meet one" I said warning her. Anna then let out a chuckle "She's only saying that because on our way here she was almost dragged in" I shot her a small glare "You said you wouldn't tell anyone" I slightly pouted Anna apologized while Mary laughed a little. We all took a seat next to each other  by the lake, but a good distant away, as we continued to chat and enjoy our last night here till next week we heard laughing and talking. I then shushed them, they all listened with me "Who is that?" Shania said as we all quickly got up and rushed over to a pile of bushes. We watched as few boy's come into view, it then came to me that our foot prints were in the snow, I sat there praying they wouldn't notice it. The laughing and chatting then stopped "Shit" Anna mumbled, knowing what I knew "Well, Well, Well" I heard above me, I looked up to be faced with Jeremiah. I glared and moved away from him "What do you want" I said spitting a bit in his face, he snarled at me "How dare you" he said pulling his wand out. Anna and the girls then stood up, making him and his friends jump a little "Thought I was alone?" I said glaring at me "I wouldn't be surprised, you're a mudblood, im surprised your pureblood friends are even your friends" he said crossing his arms. 

         As hard as I tried I couldn't hold it back anymore "Now you've done it" Mary says, I then jumped over the bush and onto Jeremiah. I got some gasps from his friends and even Mary, I punched him in the face over and over again, as I started to think I had to upper hand, I gasped as he rolled over and was on top of me, I watched in horror as he pulled out his wand he started mumbling to himself. All of a sudden he was tackled off of me, my eye's widened as I saw the person on top of him. I then realized who pulled him off of me, it was that girl from ravenclaw, Raina, she started to beat up his friends, I then realized Jeremiah was knocked unconscious. I got up off the snow, I walked over to the bustle "Stop!" I heard, a very familiar voice say, all of a sudden everything stops "Shit." I heard Raina swear. I turned to see three prefects "I can't wait to hear why you're out here" the slytherin prefect said, behind him was the other slytherin prefects. We all stood up "Care to explain?" The girl prefect said, Jeremiah's friend Cusieque let out a groan "The boys and I came down here to enjoy one last night out at the black lake, but it seemed these girls were already here and we just thought we'd check for their safety" I looked at him so quickly my neck basically popped "Whatever, good enough" the prefect said. 

          We entered back into the castle "You've got to admit, that was kind of weird" Anna said sitting on her bed "Yeah, why'd he lie?" Shania said doing the same as Anna. I sat on my bed as well "I don't know, lets just not think about it, all they care about is not getting in trouble" I said laying down on my bed and turned to I wasn't facing anyone. I sighed to myself, letting out a yawn before closing my eyes "Goodnight ladies" Mary said, I then started to drift off to sleep.

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