16| Now you've done it.

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Logan's Pov

I placed the thick book back into the bookshelf, I still couldn't find a single book on the amortentia. I sighed in defeat knowing I probably wouldn't find anything about it unless I asked a sixth year, which I definitely wasn't going to do. I pulled out another book, it was called 'Advanced potions book' very clever for a name i'd say. I opened it, scanning the text very closely, it then appeared to me that all of the words inside this book were very well scripted. I then flipped to page 247 'Amortentia' I started to read over it knowing I found just what I was looking for. The page read "Amortentia does not cause real love, more of an obsession with the person they are given it by. Although, if brewed incorrectly, there's a possibility many things can happen. For example, if it is brewed incorrectly, instead of developing the unhealthy obsession with the giver, they'll grow an awful obsession with the first person they see." I then moved the section where it described how to reverse it "Amortentia can be reversed by using the hate potion, and vice versa or wait a week till it wares off" I was smiled to myself. I shut the book and started to make my way out of the library, but the doors then opened almost abruptly revealing Jackson behind them. He scanned the room, only to immediately find me in front of him "Logan!" he yelled, receiving a glare from the librarian. I mentally face palm as I push him out, making sure to close the door.

"Yes, all we need is a hate potion" I explained, Jackson nodded, I assume understanding "How do we make it?" he asked. I sighed "Right, that's the problem, we're going to need about eight ingredients" he let out a groan of annoyance. "But we're in luck, you can get them" I said closing the book and standing up "Wait me? How?" he asked. I looked at him "You have to steal from Snape" I said bluntly, he stared at me blankly "Screw it, what do we need?" he asked "Well, we're going to need a gallon of lemon juice, two oz's of fluxweed sap, three bunches knotgrass, one drams horntail dragon scales, two biting toadstools fangs, eight oz of quandury blood; distilled, and a sample of the persons Dna" I said finishing the ingredients. Jackson looked at me very dumbfounded, I laughed a little "The only problem we have is the Dna part" I said putting the book in my bag "Maybe Maria can get it" I suggested. He seemed to be zoned out "How could she do that?" he asked "Maybe get a piece of his hair for us" he nodded "I'll ask her" he said as he stood up. I walked passed him, about to head to my dormitory to work on some class work "Also, remember that he will do anything to be with her, he isn't in his normal mind set" I reminded him.

Maria's Pov

I groaned in annoyance, knowing I couldn't step a foot outside my dormitory without being engulfed in hugs and kisses by Jeremiah. Currently I haven't left at all since I got back, it was almost dinner and I was feeling awfully hungry. My dorm door then opened, it was Anna, she turned to close it but the door swung open "Maria!" I expected it to be Jeremiah, but instead it was Jackson. I walked over to the door and stepped out for the first in a couple hours, I close the door and faced him "Whats happening?!" I practically yelled. He shush me by putting his hand over my mouth "Shut it will ya? I told Jeremiah that you were in the library, he'll be back any minute now" he said while he looked around frantically. I nodded and he removed his hand "Okay, so Logan figured out the solution to your problem, either we brew a hate potion or we wait a week" he explained a bit poorly. I nodded, honestly a little confused "Okay, well how long will it take you to get the ingredients?" I asked curiously "One of them is a piece of his Dna" he sighed "What kind?" I asked stupidly "Like his hair I would assume" he said shrugging. I then heard the common room door fling open, Jeremiah came running in, I stood really close to Jack hoping his height would save me from his brothers actions. Sadly my plan failed, the dark haired boy started to charge towards me, but he didn't seem pleased, oh god. Jackson then looked at me really fast "Just pretend you like him, till we figure it out" he then wakes off. Jeremiah then made it to me, I gave him an awkward smile before he hugged me. As we hugged my facial expression wasn't as pleased as someone should be in a hug, getting attention from people passing by. He then finally let me go, a panic rises as he tried to kiss me, so I distracted him "Ou! Uh, look it's Calvin! Calvin!!!!!" I yelled desperately. The short, hazel brown haired boy looked in our direction, giving me a confused expression, I assume cause I don't actually know this kid. I let out an awkward laugh, I then started to walk over to Calvin, Jeremiah still clinger to my arm. I cringed at the touch of him, this was somewhat of a nightmare. I finally mad it to Calvin, I removed Jeremiah from my arm and sat him next to Calvin on the couch. Calvin seemed to catch on that I was uncomfortable and that something was very wrong with his dear friend. Calvin then asked "Hey Jeremiah, you feeling okay?" Jeremiah just nodded, I sat on the couch opposite from them, sadly Jeremiah tried to move. Calvin stopped him and made him sit back down by him, I mentally sighed in relief.

         I was currently running down the corridor, I told Jeremiah we should play tag, it was a mistake. I took a turn and was currently was running on the viaduct bridge, I peeked over my shoulder to see him halling ass towards me, god this is more terrifying then I thought. Since I wasn't fast enough he was pretty much on my tail, but I was so worried about I bumped into someone, I closed my eye's waiting for impact. Finally I hit the ground, I heard a loud gasp as I was ripped form the floor in and embraced in a hug. I turned to see who I bumped into, there stood Oliver Wood, he gave me a smile but it seemed a bit fake. I let out a hesitant laugh "I'll explain it later I promise" he nodded and just stared at Jeremiah with a hint of confusion and as if he was in deep thought. He soon walked off, I finally got out of his grip "Say, uh, Jer how about we play hide and seek?" I suggested "Nah, I'd rather spend my time close to you" I mentally cringed, god just shut up. I got out of his grip once more "We should head back its getting late" I said, started to lean down, I assume trying to kiss me. I took this opportunity to grab some of his hair, I tugged a piece out, he whined in annoyance but immediately let it go. I smiled to myself as I went running back over the viaduct bridge, Jeremiah nor far behind me. 

        I entered the common room, I looked around hoping to find Jack, I mentally cursed when I couldn't spot him immediately. Then in the corner of my eye, I saw him, I started making my way towards him "Jack" I said while handing him the piece of hair I got. he looked at it confused on what it was, till he realized "Oh, good" he said while placing it in a vile. He seemed to of gotten all the stuff in a bag "Did you get the stuff?" I asked "Yeah, I didn't tell Snape cause he would have my head" he said sounding like he regretted it. I nodded and smiled, understanding that he went a little out of hands to get these. I then walked away, sadly Jeremiah still following close behind me, I entered the girls dormitory. I opened my door and was about to turn around and tell him goodnight hoping he'd leave. But to my disliking, he did something I didn't expect, he kissed me on the forehead, I pushed him away in disgusted. He seemed more surprised then I did, I then turned around and entered my dormitory, I slammed the door shut and ran to my bed. I picked up my pillow and screamed into it, wiping my forehead trying to get rid of the memory. Anna was sitting on her bed, oddly confused "Are you alright?" she asked walking over to me, I sat up and looked up at her "What happen to you?" she asked looking at me concerned. I didn't want to tell her it was embarrassing, she then sat next to me "Did something happen with Jeremiah?" she asked. I then made eye contact with her, I nodded and she nodded understanding "Did he kiss you?" she asked bluntly. I looked at her mildly surprised "On the forehead, How did you know?" she shrugged "Just assumed, I don't know" I covered my face, I was truly embarrassed. She only gave me a smile "I wouldn't think about it to much, besides hes under a potion isn't he?" I nodded, she just hugged me "Try and get some sleep, you'll feel better in the morning" she said while making her way over to her bed. I laid down and turn on my side, maybe some sleep will making me feel better, I closed my eye's and began drifting off to sleep, maybe I will feel better...maybe.  

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