4| Incredible.

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Logan's Pov

       I opened the cart I had already made my spot in, inside sat my little sister Anna, she was sitting with her new friend Maria. I took a seat across from them and opened my book, I continued to read as Anna and Maria conversed about cartoons and music. 

       I had read about three chapters so far, I realized it had gotten quiet, I looked up at the two girls to see they were fast asleep. I smiled and placed my book beside me on the chair, the room was silent, it made me a bit uneasy not wanting to wake up the girls as I stood up to go to the bathroom. I walked down the hall, the sun shined brightly through the windows, I opened the bathroom door and to my surprised there was no one inside. I shut the door behind me and did my business. 

        I walked back to the car I was staying in, I opened the door to see another boy sitting inside "Uh hi?" I said closing the door, the boy smiled at me "Sorry, I got kicked out of my car, it was getting to crowded by my friends owls and cats" the boy said. I nodded and took my seat back on the opposite side of the girls and the boy "So whats your name?" I asked picking up my book "Oliver Wood, i'm a second year. And you?" he questioned back to me. I was a bit astonished on how smart his reply was "Pleasure to meet you Oliver, i'm Logan and i'm in my second year as well." I said smiling back at him. Oliver nodded and looked out the window "Pleasure" I opened my book back up hoping that the new chapter I was starting would be as intriguing as the last. The room then was filled with silence again, Oliver seemed awfully bored, I would offer him a book but I didn't think twice about bringing a second one. Instead of continuing my book, I decided to converse with him, he seemed to be a good guy "So, Oliver, are you interested in any sports?" I asked waiting for a response. He gave me a big smile "I fancy quidditch if I do say so myself" he said looking back out the window "Do you like any sports?" he then asked me. I crossed my arms, for no reason really "Yeah, I enjoy quidditch as well, I actually play chaser" I said smiling at him, he nodded seeming impressed "Oh? that's cool, I mainly play the keeper out of the five positions" he said seeming giddy now. 

       The train then came to a complete stop, I looked out the window to realize that we had arrived, I was about to wake the girls when I saw that they were already waking up on their own. Maria stretched while Anna sat there with a drained expression "Morning" I said in a joking matter, causing two unsatisfied stares to dart my way "Say, don't you two look ravishing" Oliver said, causing Maria to straighten up quick, clearly not noticing him. I let out a small chuckle, because she moved so quickly "W-Who are you?" she questioned, seeming to not recognize him at all. Anna then stood up "Are we here?" she asked while wiping her face with her long sleeve "Yep, we should be getting ready to get off in a few as well, trust me we don't wanna get stuck in this mess" I said while pointing to the see through glass door. behind the door was a line of crowded up kids, I sighed knowing we weren't going to be getting out anytime soon. 

           Finally, we got off the train "I best be going now, I need to find my friends" Oliver said walking in an opposite direction. I then made my way towards the tall man, named Hagrid "Oi hello Logan" he said greeting me "Hello Hagrid" I smiled stopping in front of him. 

Anna's POV

        I walked passed my brother, following Maria's lead, she didn't seem to know where she was going but it looked like she was just taking in the scenery. I also looked around, admiring the scenery "Anna!" I heard behind me a bit confused, but it was only my brother. I stopped walking, I grabbed Maria's shoulder, stopping her as well. Logan walked over to me "Where are you two going? its dark out, the creatures lurking in the forest are dangerous" Logan said peering round. He then started walking ahead of us, I grabbed Maria's wrist and began following him, towards a bunch of boats.

        I held onto the side of the boat, slightly freaking out that the boat would tip, I looked down into the walked to see something moving "Oh hell no" I said making sure to avoid looking into the water again. Maria on the other hand, had her hand in the water, I was going to warn her that there was something swimming bellow her but I watched in horror as she was pulled in. My eye's widened in fear "Maria!" I yelled, without thinking I leaped and grabbed her arm, Maria was only half way in the water, she wasn't even screaming surprisingly, she had the face of panic and horror. The kid in front of me then turned around and grabbed a hold of me, there was a brief moment I thought I was going to fall in. All of a sudden, the thing that was pulling Maria in let go, I then pulled her back up with all my force, causing the boat to rock. 

       We made it to land, Maria stepped out, making sure to avoid the water at all cost "Follow me please, and don't leave the group" the tall man said to us. 

        When we got to the top of the trail, a huge castle looking building stood in front of us, I looked up taking in the scenery. The tall man stopped "Welcome to Hogwarts! school of witchcraft and wizardry" I then looked around to see that Logan was no where to be found. I then realized that all the upper class man were gone "Follow me please" Hagrid said walking towards the entrance. Maria and I followed in the crowd with the other kids, as we entered the inside, the interior was beautiful and I couldn't wait for the adventure that awaited us.

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