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alia (the better sister)


can u come get me and luca from moms



im also kinda busy atm



it's serious.


hat happened?


t's mom again.

its been happening for a while but it's gotten worse
please come pick us up




"Uh, I'm going to have to end the stream early today guys." Ophelia told the people who were in the call with her, which were Wilbur, Niki, Fundy, Tommy and Tubbo.

"Why?" Tommy asked, his character in game mining stone.

"My sister needs me to pick her up. I'll try and be back later." She quickly said, hearing them say a quick goodbye before she hung up. Ophelia ended stream, quickly grabbing her phone and running out the door.


Ophelia was around 15 minutes away from her mothers house when she got a call from Alia. "Alia? What's up? I'm almost at mom's." She kept her eyes on the road.

"Mom just kicked me and Luca out of the house." Her voice was hoarse, the wind from the trees audible from the phone.

"Okay, uh, do you guys have any of your things?" Ophelia asked, stopping at a red light.

"No. she- Luca stay over here please- She kicked us out before we could get anything." Alia responded.

"Okay. What's Luca doing?" Ophelia asked, trying to release the tension in the air.

"He's playing with a toy I got for him before she kicked us out." She sniffled.

"Okay. I'm five minutes away. Keep an eye on Luca, okay?" Ophelia said.

"I will." They said a quick goodbye then hung up. "Fucking Christ..." Ophelia sighed, running a hand through her hair.


"Get in the car, alright? I'll be out in a couple minutes." Ophelia told them, quickly walking into the house.

"Mom?" Ophelia slightly yelled, hearing a small 'What?' from the bathroom.

She walked to the bathroom, opening the door revealing her on the floor, a bottle of pills in her hand. Ophelia kneeled down, taking the bottle out of her hand.

"Look at me, mom." Her mother slowly turned her head up, her eyes bloodshot, eye bags visible.

"You really have to stop doing this mom." Ophelia took her mother's hand, trying to pull her up.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" She shouted. "It's— It's your fault your dumb fucking dad left!"

"You threw your fucking life away with your stupid live streaming shit!" She slurred over her words.

"All we asked was for some money and you gave us nothing! Your dad fucking left without telling me because of your stupid fucking job." She yelled.

"Mom, just get up and go to bed." Ophelia tried pulling her up once again, but she yanked her hands away.

"Get the fuck off of me." Her mother stood up shakily, raising her hand to slap Ophelia. Ophelia grabbed her wrist.

"Mom! Fucking listen to me for once!" Ophelia let go of her wrist. "You're so fucking close to going to prison for neglect of your fucking kids, you know that? Do you want that to happen? Because I surely don't." Ophelia yelled, grabbing her mother's shoulders.

Her eyes were teary. She knew she was making mistakes. She just didn't want to admit it. "Fuck you." She spat, stumbling out of the bathroom.

Ophelia walked out of the house, locking the door behind her, grabbing the bag of her siblings things. Ophelia walked back to the car, setting the bag in the trunk.

𝐈𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋, ㅤ w.s ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant