Snake Face (Demus)

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I realized I haven't done my favourite ship yet (which is Demus where my Demus fans at)
Request: No (;) I take requests guys-)
Genre: Angst (has a fluffy ending)
High school AU (Art is NOT mine)
Janus's POV:
I groaned as I sat up from my bed, school, the last place I want to be, why you may ask? Well my house burnt down when I was six, the fire killed my parents and gave me an ugly looking burn. I often get made fun of for it, people tend to remind me of that day, the day that my life became a living nightmare. After the fire happened I moved in with my cousin Virgil  and my uncle, my cousin hates my guts he wants absolutely nothing to do with me, he let's all the bullying and the torture happen, it sucks. I got up, got dressed and went down stairs, I didn't bother eating breakfast so I headed straight for the front door "Not eating today Janus?" My uncle called from the dining table "No thanks uncle Thomas not really that hungry right now" "Alright we'll make sure to eat something later" "I will bye" I said as I walked out the door.
Remus POV:
"REMUS LETS GO YOUR GONNA MAKE ME LATE!" my brother screamed from down stairs, me and my brother don't get along at all. We used to go to different schools just because there wasn't really a reason, but I got expelled so now I have to go to my brothers stupid school. Fuck my life. "Ok ok I'm coming!" I say while practically running down the stairs, we walk out the door and get in Romans super expensive sports car, ya he gets a sports car while I get a crummy ass red ford (no offence to ford owners XD) i wonder who the favourite child is.
We eventually get to school and start walking to our classes, of course I could care less about school so I went out to the back of the school to hang out. When I got there I saw a boy..he looked kinda small, wore a hat and yellow gloves and had his knees up to his chest. "Um hello?" I called out "Huh" he said looking up "oh sorry I'll- I'll leave" he said wiping his eyes "No it's alright you don't have to leave" I said sitting next to him "I'm Remus by the way Remus Prince" "are you related to Roman prince?" He asked with a shakey voice "Um ya why" I was really confused "Oh it's just he's not the nicest that's all" he said looking at me, he had a burn on the left side of his face "Go ahead laugh" "what I wasn't gonna laugh I think it's cool looking, it's kinda like a snake" his eyes lit up, it was almost like he had never been told his burn was cool before "um thanks, I'm Janus by the way, Janus Storm" he said smiling a little bit "Well it's nice to meet you, also what are you doing back here anyways?"I asked confusingly "Hiding, don't really feel like being made fun of today" Janus said softly. I felt bad for Janus he suspected people picked on him for the burn "How about we ditch this place and go do something fun" I said getting up from the ground and holding my hand out for Janus to take it "Isn't it your first day here?" Janus asked "well yes but hanging out with you seems more fun" I said cheerfully, Janus smiled at that "Okay then let's go" he said happily taking my hand, maybe just maybe I had got myself a new friend.
I'm very proud of this one
Word count:635

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