Star Gazing (Loceit)

151 7 0

Request: No
Genre: Fluff
!Art is NOT mine!
Janus sat in the corner of his room with his knees pulled up to his chest, He had an argument with Virgil and Virgil said some pretty hurtful words to him resulting to him running to his room, slamming the door and crying. He had been in his room since the afternoon, it was now night time and nobody seemed to notice he was gone, he was starting to think Virgils words were true "Nobody cares about you why can't you just disappear already!" "Logan is just with you cause he's got no one else!". Tears streamed down Janus's face he just couldn't stop crying, suddenly there was a knock at the door "Janus darling can I come in?" It was Logan, Janus immediately felt some sadness go away "Yes Logan you can" he said in a shaking voice. As soon as the door opened Logan immediately rushed to Janus's side "What happened J? Why are you crying?" Logan asked concerningly "I got into and argument with Virgil earlier today  and he said some hurtful things.. I know it's a dumb thing to be-" Janus was cut off by Logan wrapping his arms around Janus'a body bringing him in to a comforting hug, Logan usually didn't show much emotions but when it came to his boyfriend he showed all the emotions he could "No no honey it's not stupid words hurt, and Virgil had no right to hurt your feelings". Janus started to sob into his boyfriends shirt "I'm sorry...I don't know I'm why I'm sensitive today" Logan kissed his forehead as a way of saying 'it's okay' then an idea struck his mind, he knew just how to cheer Janus up "come on grab your coat we're going to the imagination" Logan said standing up and holding his hand out for Janus "why the imagination? It's really dark outside" "that makes it even better now come on" Janus took Logan's hand, grabbed his coat and walked down the stairs with Logan to the front door "We are going out for awhile" Logan told Patton "Okay kiddos have fun" Patton replied Logan then shot Virgil the look of death before walking out the door with his boyfriend "what was that look about" Roman asked Virgil "I've got no idea" Virgil lied, Logan knew what happened between him and Janus, Virgil knew he would be getting it when the two came back.

Logan and Janus walked for awhile in the imagination, the made their way up a hill "Ok darling close your eyes" Logan said taking Janus's hands in his "Okay? But why" Janus asked while closing his eyes "Its a surprise" his boyfriend replied. The two walked a little farther then stop at the time of the hill, "ok Janus you can open you eyes" Janus opened his eyes and what he saw was breathtaking the night sky was lit up with what looked like a million stars "Logan oh my god it's beautiful" Janus shouted obviously happy "I remembered you said you wanted to go star gazing sometime so I thought this would be the perfect time" Logan replied, Janus hugged his boyfriend "thank you Logan" "Your welcome darling". The two spent time star gazing and naming consolations also giving eachother a kiss every once in a while. Needless to say Janus felt 10 times better then he did earlier, he truly loves his boyfriend.
I had so much fun writing this
Wordcount: 585

Sander Side 💜Oneshots💜Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora