Chapter 9. To safety

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"From that, we knew we were back in the real world. If only it could have went back to normal while we were gone. But I guess a single day would not have been enough for everything to be reestablished anyways. In the van, Rob had calm down from the surprise and he was now back on his screen. Britney and Matthew were still in the boot trying to put some order in all we have, as once again we had to leave in a hurry. "It really is a mess in here" he said. "I know but we're almost done. If you could hand me that bottle over there so I can put it with the others".

On the other hand, Liz wanted to get a new set of grenades as she said, "The rifles are certainly powerful, but I can bet they won't be enough if it's a whole army! Where's the nearest weapons shop so we can stop by?". She was the bomber of our crew, no wonder she wanted some more. We all agreed on that idea. In fact, it was a necessity. Sadly, none of us knew the city nor the name of the shop. I had to drive around while the others were staring outside looking for one. Eventually, after twenty minutes, we found one. It was closed obviously but we had the best rams anyone would never found in the world. Nothing, except that snake, was match for the mighty plasma rifles. Liz knew how to handle grenades; Peter was good with normal rifles while Rob was the expert with the new ones. Therefore, we let him have a little bit of fun one more time. "Remember sweetie, we don't want to destroy it completely, we need what's inside" kindly told him Sarah. "I know do not worry" he answered. While he was taking care of cutting our way in, Courtney and I knew what we had to do as well. And it was to watch our surroundings for some other dogs. These things could appear at any time. Fortunately, they did not show up and we get what we needed quickly and peacefully. "Now that this is settle, we still need to find a place we could use as a hideout here in the city. No hangar in an abandoned and remote quarry this time" I said. They all nodded their heads yes. So I drove us back close to the town hall, in an attractive building.

Stepping in, Peter had stars in his eyes due to the beauty of the place. But Britney and Liz managed to keep him quiet. "Okay everyone, this will be our place until everything is sorted out so don't mess everything up but get comfortable" Courtney said. "Hum guys, before we all get to do our things, I'd like you to have you this". I took three talkies-walkies out of my bag. "I took these at the mall earlier. I only have three because we don't really need more than that" I added. "But that's five in total and we're eight you dummy" Peter said visibly confused. "But we will operate by small groups so five is enough" intervened Courtney. "Though Jack and I will tell you more about this tomorrow while thinking of the rest of the plan." This said, we enjoyed the rest of the day reminding ourselves of all we had been through, with a few added jokes here and there."

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