Rias: Begone!

She fires two large orbs with her Power of Destruction, and sends it towards Kokabiel, who turns around just in time to block the attack.

Kokabiel: Ha, so much more interesting and impressive! Almost as good as Sirzechs'!

With another shout, she unleashes another destructive beam, almost in the shape of a black dragon, at the fallen angel, but he simply blocks it again as he begins to laugh crazily. Soon, Rias can't continue releasing all her power, and collapses, cancelling her Power of Destruction. Issei runs towards her as she falls to a knee.

Issei: Rias, no!

The crimson princess looks back up and her eyes widen.

Rias: No, Akeno!

Vergil quickly turns to where Akeno is, who is charging up a lightning attack.

Akeno: Now bring on Thunder!

She fires the lightning at Kokabiel, but he blocks the attack by using his wings like a shield. While defending himself, he speaks from within his wing shield.

Kokabiel: So is this the power of Baraqiel you're using?

Akeno: Don't you dare speak his name. I am nothing like that creature!

She continues to force Kokabiel on the defense, while Issei looks on in confusion.

Issei: What's a Baraqiel?

Landing beside Issei, Vergil grunts as he sheathes Yamato.

Vergil: Baraqiel is one of the fallen angel leaders.

Issei: Oh shit, really?

Xenovia: He can use lightning and thunder, so basically Akeno's power.

Issei: Well that's a strange coincidence.

Vergil glances at the boy in disappointment.

Vergil: (Is it even possible to be this dull?)

Akeno soon runs out of energy as she pants out of exhaustion, while Kokabiel reveals himself from behind his wings, laughing and crossing his wings.

Kokabiel: Oh dear, say it isn't so! Why choose to fall so far to become a devil? What an amusing house you have here, Rias. The Red Dragon Emperor, a ruined holy sword project subject, and even the daughter of Baraqiel.

Akeno glares at the fallen angel, while Issei's jaw almost drops.

Issei: What?!

Xenovia: That's impossible!

Issei: For real, Akeno?! You're the daughter of a fallen angel? That means you're also a fallen angel!

She looks down in shame, while Kokabiel watches with a grin.

Kokabiel: How terribly amusing. A propensity of inferior products must run in the family.

Rias scowls up at the fallen angel as she gets to her feet.

Rias: That's enough! Your insults towards my brother won't go unpunished! And for disrespecting my friends, you will pay the ultimate price and die!

Her aura flares, red energy surrounding her form. Kokabiel drops towards the ground, retracting his wings as he sneers.

Kokabiel: Oh, then by all means, try it! But I must ask, do you even know what you're getting yourself into? You are challenging the archenemy of devils!

She growls as she clenches her fists. Then she feels a hand on her shoulder, and she turns to see Vergil, now out of his Devil Trigger form.

Vergil: You've done enough, Rias. I'll take it from here.

Devil of RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now