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"He will find you, and will kill you in worst way possible " kylie said

"Who? You're so called boyfriend? The bastard's father?" He asked laughing

"He doesn't know i am involved , he will not even come here to rescue you babe, chicago told me you were just another whore for him " he said and kylie even in this situation laughed

" Then guess chicago played her game well" she said

"Who played her game well ?" Chicago came in smirking

Kylie turned towards her seething in anger "you snake " she spat at her

Chicago laughed out loud and bend towards kylie looking in her eyes Chicago's smiled vanished

"It was all good until you came, it was all planned" chicago said venomously

"Why did you betrayed him ?" Kylie asked because she was afraid she wasn't going to make it

She doesn't know if she will survive this time or not, so before she die she will have her all answers

Chicago laughed out loud like a maniac

"I didn't betrayed him, no I didn't, who i actually played game with was cane, poor him, thought I loved him all this time, how can i love third in command ? I had my eyes on Massimo all this time and to get him i have to go through cane" she said smiling "tsk , i even had to abort his baby, it wasn't planned although. "

Kylie gasped when she said she aborted her own baby "how can you! , It was your baby too" she yelled at chicago

She felt anger in her veins , she felt sad that how can a mother kill her own child, she can't even think about doing it, her babies life is on risk and she can't bare thinking his life on risk , how can this puttana kill her own child

"Oh c'mon, i  will kill everyone who will come between me and my love , Massimo. Just like you came in between us, i will kill you in the worst way possible " she whispered coming closer to kylie

Erthan frowned when he listen what she was saying " you can't do that" he said coming closer to her he held her shoulder and pushed her aside coming closer to kylie

"Oh i can and i fucking will" she sad through clenched teeth

Erthan turned back towards her and pointed that knife at her " you see this? , I will cut you in small pieces if you don't get the fuck away " he said

She held her hands above her head as in surrendering her self

She took some steps back Erthan came closer to kylie and cuts her ropes he held her face in her both hands after freeing her "you just have to go through little pain to get rid of this bastard then we will live happily" he said

Kylie rubbed her hands her hands shaking from fear for her unborn child

She felt movement behind Erthan and looked behind him chicago was at far end pointing her gun towards erthan  kylie eyes widened , she thought its her end

Erthan looked at her facial expressions confused and turned around to see who she was seeing

"By by " chicago said and waved at him

His face went pale, kylie shut her eyes closed tightly nit ready for whats coming next

The gunshots rang in the basement , kylie yelled still not opening her eyes
She held her hands securely around her stomach

she heard yelling and a scream of chicago

'Wait? Chicago ? ' she thought and opened her eyes to see chicago laying down her hand bleeding she was screaming looking at her hands

When she looked around there were Massimo and Marco, a cry of relief left her lips and she cried hard

Massimo had a gun on his hand , he just shoot Chicago's hand , he turn and looked towards kylie

He ran towards her his eyes getting red , he fall on his knees infront of her hugging her marco called some of his man to carry chicago , they along with marco went out as they heared more gunshots

Kylie looked at Massimo held his face in his hand her tears flowing out constantly

"I was afraid " she cried loudly

"Shhh, i am here " he held kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly " i am sorry , i am so sorry" he was chanting sorry

They both were lost in their bubble that no one noticed Erthan seeking towards the table that was at far end

He grabbed the gun from inside and looked at both of them

Kylie looked around for Erthan she wasn't sure what happened to him

And in the flip of a moment she heard two gun shots very close to her

Massimo yellped at the pain and almost fell on kylie hissing

It was like everything was going in slow motion

She looked at her hands that were hugging him they were drenched in blood , in his blood

"Noo, noo no" she said slowly then yelled

When she looked back she saw erthan smirking and was going to shot again when she pulled the gun from Massimo's hand that was going lifeless by now in seconds she emptied that gun on Erthan

One shot on his shoulder , one on his stomach "aghh" he yelled on first shot

Marco rushed in hearing gunshots with his men when they saw Massimo going lifeless

His men picked him uo and take him away god know where

Kylie didn't stoped but she stood up and walked towards Erthan her eyes dangerous , her face hard tears running out of her eyes

She moved closer to him and grabbing buture knife on her way

Erthan got scared blood was ozing out of his mouth he moved backwards

"How dare you , how FUCKING DARE YOU!" She screamed and take the knife in her both hand before taking in air then bring it down with full force on his right leg

He screamed loudly but kylie didn't stoped their

She went on and on the man Infront of her was lifeless now but she wasn't having it , she was continuesly stabbing him with that knife on his heart

"Agghhhh" she screamed till her voice was not there and stabbed that knife at the mid of his head making it split in half

"You were a curse , that I ended today" she cried backing away

Dominco was seeing it all with his eyes in some distance from her

When he was sure she was done he came closer to her

And grabbed her by her arm and turn around , when she saw who it is she hugged him tightly and cried her heart out

"I killed him" her voice hoarse

Dominco hugged her back awkwardly




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