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'so give it to me like you need it baby'


Kylie's p.o.v

By the look in his eyes i knew that my mission accomplished,

now i can die peacefully...

'Hell no, i have more things to do'
I thought

The victorious smile just won't leave my lips

I turn around smirking and again started talking to james, "look their kylie, there's this hot guy and he is looking my way, should i say hi to him?" James ask nervously

I turn around and looked at the guy he was talking about

" Yeah he is giving you flirty smiles, go ahead and get that man" i winked at him

Just as he took two steps stassie's shrill voice made him stop on his track

"Aee everybody c'mon lets play truth and dare" she said and james just scrunch his nose at her annoyed

I laughed at his face, i can still feel those eyes on me

"Where to?" I asked her

"Follow me whoever wants to play"she said and i started following her

From the side of my eye i can see him and his friend also following us

Stass sat on a round table and i am happy she didn't made us sit on ground because of my dress high slit

It were just 6 to 8 people sitting on the round table

Everyone else were playing their own games some were making out and some of them were swimming

I sat after me was james and then Massimo's friend and then stass who was just  infront of me after her was massimo and after him was stass's friends i dont know about, they aren't from our group

And after her was that guy james were talking about and then me

"Lets start the game" stass claped her hand and said massimo rolled his eyes at her

She spined the bottle and few seconds later it stoped on the girl i dont know her name yet

"Ooo, Fiona, truth or dare?"

So her name is fiona , she is beautiful

"Truth" she said, Marco cleared his throat and smirked

"I will ask her because she is infront of me" he said

Stass rolled her eyes " okay go ahead but please dont start fighting" she said and i frowned my eyebrows in confusion

Why would they fight ?

"Anybody else can ask me any question , but im not gonna answer his" fiona said shrugging

Marco laughed " why, afraid of me already darling?" He said

"Huh! Afraid ? And that too with your stupid ass?" She said

"So why not answer me" he said challenging her

"Fine!" She said loudly

And i got taken back by her sudden yell

Now i know why was stassy asking them not to fight

"So tell me darling , are you a vergin?" He smirked and said waiting for her answer

She looked at him annoyed

"I knew he was going to ask something crappy" she said her face still scrunched

"Hah! , Told you she is afraid, its mean she is A vergin" he said smiling like he was happy

"NO I AM NOT" she said

We were litrally looking at her then at him then her then him

"Yes you are, admit it, no one wanted you" he said and i scrunched my face at it not liking his answer

Before she can answer i Begin to speak " if someone is vergin it is not necessary that nobody wanted them , it is because they wanted to save it for someone not like you" i said and shrugged

From to corner of my eye i saw massimo quirking his eyebrow amused

Marco was opening his mouth to say something but closed it again

" Serves you right asshole" fiona said

" Okay okay not again" stass said and again spin the bottle
This time it stopped on marco

Stass laughed and asked him truth or dare

And he chosed dare

Massimo looked amused

"Marco i dare you to kiss fiona" massimo said smirking

Marco looked at him horrified

"Are you crazy!"marco said

"Boss what are you saying"and the same time fiona said

I frowned, so she worked under him

Massimo shrugged

"No way in hell i am gonna allow him to kiss me" fiona barked

"Like i am dying to kiss you" marco spat

" Kiss her or let her slap you" marco said and we all looked amused by the situation

Marco ego was so much to get slapped by her and fiona was not going to let him kiss her

We were just waiting for whats gonna happen

Stassy was smiling ear to ear

"Kiss it is then" marco said standing up , he walked towards horrified fiona

He grabbed her face in his hand and leaned in fiona eyes were wide

We all looked at them eyes wide, was he really going to kiss her ?


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