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' because of you some people skips love songs'

-Khushi julka


Massim's p.o.v

I was driving my audi , two cars were behind me as we don't need much security here in italy because i am kind of king here, this is my country and everyone knows not to mess with me or my men here

I rule this country as well as half of the USA

Marco and cane was behind me in their own cars

I was going to a meeting with one of my most powerful ally as well as good friend

' Dominco Marcello'

I smirked at the thought of him , he is one motherfucker

Ruthless , merciless, he is often called Hades

(god of the dead)

He does not give second chances to anybody

After me he is the one people would shiver just at his name

He dont spare people , he is just so dangerous even my men who i myself trained to not get afraid of anyone or anything beside my warth , they are scared shitless from Dominco

I parked in front of his mansion

And made my way inside every gaurd knows me here as they all bowed in respect Infront of me

Domino was standing just as i entered the house

"Marcello" i nodded

"Fioranzo" he too nodded as we shook hands

"Come have a seat " he take us to leaving room and we sat there

"How are you doing" i asked as a servant came and offered us drinks

"Good, the boy who ran away under your men's watch is now under my men watch , here"

He told me sipping his drink

I smirked, this is Dominco , No formalities , just work

"I knew you would have him even before i ask you to" i nodded in apriciation

He just shrugged " then guess you know me " he said smirking

"Did he opened his mouth?" I asked

" He had to"

"What's the news?" I asked

"Vincent was behind the shipment incident" he told me

" I did had an idea ,only he is stupid enough to do this "

He nodded

"What's the plan now? " Marco asked

"We raid on his house tonight or tomorrow, as you say" Dominco shrugged

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